Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.9451928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could annexing Palestinian towns minus citizenship be apartheid?


There certainly cannot be any comparison to classic apartheid in South Africa where there was one country and the minority systematically suppressed the majority because of a racist ideology.


If Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has his way, sometime in July, Israel will annex portions of the West Bank. The plan appears to include Palestinian enclaves, while avoiding applying Israeli law to those areas.

Under the Trump administration's peace plan as rolled out in January, all Palestinians will become citizens of a future Palestinian state that, it is hoped, will emerge from negotiations between the parties within four years.

But what happens to those Palestinians if the negotiations break down? And what is the status of those Palestinians during the period they wait for their new state to be established?

Could such a situation constitute apartheid?

First, the term apartheid must be defined.

There certainly cannot be any comparison to classic apartheid in South Africa where there was one country and the minority whites systematically suppressed the majority blacks out of a racist ideology.

Israelis and Palestinians are two different peoples who were never part of one country. They have been in a multi-sided political-land-religious conflict for around 100 years that is also part of the broader Israeli-Arab conflict.

Israel has proposed peace deals to the Palestinians (perfect or not) and Arab citizens of Israel have full citizenship rights, even if there is criticism that their sectors and some other minority Jewish sectors are neglected in comparative terms when it comes to state funding.

Apartheid has at least two meanings: one as a social phenomenon and one as a war crime under the International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute.

As a social phenomenon, countries like Saudi Arabia and Myanmar are sometimes accused of apartheid due to allegations of institutionalizing discrimination against certain minorities on racist grounds.

Some critics have long accused Israel of the same, but these critics have often ignored the rights granted to Israeli-Arabs and the significant threats to Israeli security posed by Hamas rockets and Palestinian terrorism in general.

In addition, as long as the Oslo peace process of the mid-1990s was not completely dead, there has been an idea that the Palestinian Authority was responsible for Palestinians in the West Bank, Israel was responsible for Jews there and the fate of mixed areas would eventually be resolved in negotiations.

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.9451987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Protocols of Zion: Liberals are Shills for Communism & Satanism


Liberals are dupes, what Communists call "useful idiots." I was one for most of my life. "Championing the oppressed" was a pathetic way to justify my life and meet women while being blinded to the real enemy. As a liberal, I believed we stood for "the public good" while everyone else was for mindless, selfish greed. In fact, social justice is a ruse used by Cabalist central bankers to put their their shills in power and pillage the goyim.



Bella Dodd and The Protocols of Zion confirm this truth.


"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness–blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony." (Protocols 9)


"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes…" (Protocols of Zion, 6)


As I will demonstrate, liberals, funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds (Soros) etc., are unwitting pawns of a satanic Communist agenda. They are dupes, like the lower Blue Degrees of Freemasonry. This sounds extreme but unfortunately, it is literally true.


Bella Dodd (1904-1969) a lawyer and Political Science professor, was a Communist Party organizer from 1932-1948 and a member of the National Council of the CPUSA from 1944-48.

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.9452010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2147 >>2265 >>2431

President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Holds Hearing on the Role of the Public Defender

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.9452058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2126 >>2147 >>2265 >>2431

Fear: The Best Tool of the Ruling Class


Social and political responses to the fears of the Corona-19 virus pandemic are news headlines, but do they deserve headlines? Of course, they are news, but they are not really new news. We have been repeatedly warned about the destructive power of fear.


Making themselves virtually unassailable, at least initially, politicians embraced the pandemic and associated public health fears it has engendered, and assumed near dictatorial powers in the name of protecting the public health. Unmasked and unhindered, some politicians’ actions have validated the descriptive term of “the ruling class.” The 1972 cult film by the same name gave one view of the dysfunctional life-style of a fictional British nobleman whose aspirations were quite noble and infused with a sense of god-like powers, not unlike some of our governors and mayors.


A less fanciful, but more philosophically grounded observation of the 1930’s was made by H.L. Menken: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” No question that the Corona virus is real, not imaginary, but Menken astutely recognizes the basic urge in politicians to use fear to control the populous.


During President Roosevelt’s first inaugural address, on March 4th,1933, he said that “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.


The more recent 2010 book by A. Codevilla bears the name “The Ruling Class,” and describes the outsized influence on American society by a clique of intellectuals scattered throughout the upper echelons of business, the media, political parties, and educational institutions. Constitutional rights are denigrated, as is the traditional role of religion in American daily life. These folks know that they know better than you do.


Combining a stretch of environmental-saving enthusiasm and fuzzy thinking, activists have wasted no effort in trying to link the imagined effects of climate change to its imagined impact on the Corona virus pandemic. Economic hardships and social deprivations imposed by the ruling class are said to be good for the globe, and that the necessary price to save it is a cultural and scientific retrenchment.


One author whose fictional narrative seems prescient in this current setting is Michael Crichton. His 2004 “State of Fear” is a fictional thriller whose environmental and philosophical underpinnings are well documented by him, and whose validity has largely stood the test of time. Al Gore’s perpetual predictions of global environmental disasters secondary to man-made carbon dioxide and fossil fuel use have not materialized in the intervening decade.


In a Socratic method exposition, Crichton develops the concept of fear as a tool to control the public. As one of his characters explains:


“I am leading to the notion of social control…. To the requirement of every sovereign state to exert control over the behavior of its citizens, to keep them orderly and reasonably docile…. To keep them paying taxes… and, of course, we know that social control is best managed through fear.”

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.9452107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2181 >>2306 >>2447

Videos: Spy Planes, Nuclear Sniffers Fly Over US Capital as National Guard Occupies City


After more than a week of intense mass protests, the US capital is awash with thousands of National Guard troops and a bevy of military equipment. Spotted around the city have been spy planes and drones, tilt-rotor aircraft and even a nuclear detection helicopter. However, the mass deployment follows one of the most peaceful protest days yet.


After five days of mass protests in Washington, DC, against police brutality and the in-custody death of black Minnesota man George Floyd last week, US President Donald Trump has made an almost unprecedented show of force by deploying thousands of troops in the nation’s capital, even as more peaceful protests have come in the wake of rioting and looting.


A National Guard Swearingen RC-26B spy plane was spotted over the city Tuesday night, as was a special Bell 412 helicopter fitted out by the National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA) for “sniffing” out the telltale radioactivity put out by nuclear weapons, suggesting defense officials feared the use of a “dirty bomb.” Unconfirmed reports of drone activity across the city appeared on social media, and on Wednesday, observers also spotted V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft, used by the US Marine Corps for transporting troops.

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.9452131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2236 >>2265 >>2431

Trump says if Russia were G7 Member then Problems would be Easier to Solve


US President Donald Trump said in an interview with Fox radio that the problems in the world would be easier to solve if Russia were a part of the G7. The return of Russia to the summits of the G7 format requires common sense, since half of the issues discussed at these meetings are connected with Russia.


The host asked the American leader what Russian President Vladimir Putin had done to gain his confidence and return to the club of the leading countries of the world.


“Well, he helped us with the oil industry, which is good for him, too, and we raised it and now we can save millions of jobs in Texas, North Dakota and other places in Oklahoma. Now the production there is stable. They (oil prices) fell to zero, which would have cost five million jobs. But in general it is not a question of what he did. “It’s a matter of common sense,” Trump said. – We have a G7, it is not there, and half of the questions are devoted to Russia. If he was there, it would be much easier to solve them. ”


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Trump recalled that Russia was already a member of the G8 under Barack Obama , but other countries abandoned this format due to the annexation of Crimea to Russia.


“Obama was completely cleaned, his pockets were cleaned. Putin did something that he shouldn’t do, apparently because he didn’t respect Obama, and the US said: we don’t want to be here, Putin should be there, ”Trump said, after which he emphasized once again that it’s not whether Russia deserves it or not, but in common sense.


On June 1st the presidents of Russia and the United States held a telephone conversation during which they discussed the idea that Trump might hold a G7 summit with a possible invitation from the leaders of Russia, India, Australia and South Korea. The leaders of the two countries also discussed the situation on the world oil market in the context of the implementation of the OPEC + agreement. According to the Kremlin’s release, the conversation, which was initiated by the American side, was constructive, businesslike, and substantive.

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.9452174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2204 >>2431

Facts Vs. Fake. A Worldwide Lockdown of Everything


By Peter Koenig

Global Research, June 03, 2020

Region: USA

Theme: Intelligence, Media Disinformation, Science and Medicine


Do you know who coined the curse, “conspiracy theory” or accusation, “you are conspiracy theorist!” – It was nobody less than the CIA in the 1950s, to silence those who saw through the lie of the Cold War against the Soviet Union. This was a complete lie by US war strategists, to install fear in the population in general and in Europeans in particular and to boost the American Military Industrial complex – and presenting a constant threat to the communist Soviet Union.


A complementary phrase developed in the last years is “fake news” — people who are saying well-founded truths, are being accused of spreading “false news” – and that by the very media that spread the real false news and lies in the first place. A dystopian world indeed, and most of the public doesn’t capture it.


Another denigrating term that has it lately into the vocabulary of the mainstream, “populist”. It refers to people or ideas from the left, the middle or the right – as soon as they don’t stick to the going narrative. By Webster’s definition, a populist is someone who represents the people’s views, a majority view, actually, it’s a very democratic term, because a true leader should represent the people’s views. But media manipulation has made of “populism” something of “lesser intellect” – and, of course, nobody wants to be of “lesser intellect”, hence, it’s become a derogatory term. That’s how the media and psychologically worked propaganda can alter what people would call “my common sense”.


The fear factor is always a crucial element in dividing people, and in corralling them into chambers of fear – which allows anything outside to happen – building up armament, faking an arms race – when there was none. The Soviet Union came out of WWII – where they lost between 25 and 30 million people to save Europe and the world from fascism.


But western history books have it, that it was the United States and her European allies, who foremost defeated Hitler. This false news is continuingly being propagated, last by the recent WWII Victory Celebration on 9 May 2020 – without any consideration of the key role of the Soviet Union – today’s Russia – in defeating the Hitler Nazis.


After this enormous sacrifice, the Soviet Union had no intention nor the resources to build up an army to defeat the west – as was being propagated by the US and then being aped by Europe, hence justifying 40 years of a Cold War, based on FEAR. The Cold War destroyed the natural relationship (trade, diplomatic, cultural) between Europe and today’s Russia.


Today, however, anybody who dares to remind the western media, politicians and friends of the real conqueror of Hitler, namely the Soviet Union – is a “conspiracy theorist” – or someone who spreads “false news”.


The Corona Crisis


The latest example of conspiracy galore, is the corona crisis. What is playing out in front of our eyes, a worldwide lockdown of everything, followed almost by every government of this globe with similar severity, quarantine, confinement at home for almost everyone under the “pretext” of protecting you – the people – from an invisible enemy – a corona virus. And every government KNOWS it is a disaster for the national and world economy – it is social suicide. Yet they go along – with the orders of whom?


As most of us who look for our own sources of information, outside the mainstream dominated, government dictated or supported lies, data collection and statistics on COVID infections, as well as death rates, are vastly inflated and willingly falsified, to increase the fear factor and prolong the all destructive lockdown. See this. This horrendous cheat is not just actively practiced in the US, but also in Europe. A point in case is Italy, see this.



Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.9452204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2431



“By putting vaccines into our bodies, we are inserting foreign matter, toxins, into our cells, like mercury and aluminum.” In legal terms vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”. Through pharma lobbying, in 1986 Congress has passed the National Childhood Vaccine Children Act, a law whereby pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for any damage their vaccines cause, including death. The United States Supreme Court Rules in favor of protecting vaccine makers from State Law Suits (5 May 2020).


Vaccines have enormous side effects, especially in small children, causing various lasting diseases, like peanut allergies, asthma, eczema and – yes – autism.


Particularly harmful vaccines are western-made MMR (measles), polio and DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough). Russian made vaccines have different compositions and have helped prevent millions from polio and other debilitating, crippling or killing diseases. Since 2002, when revenues from vaccines for US pharma companies amounted to about US$ 8 billion, revenues and profits have skyrocketed to more than 60 billion per year by 2020. Every new vaccine is worth about a billion dollars. Learn more here.


Anybody who speaks out against vaccination, irrespective of the evidence given, is labeled a conspiracy theorist by the media, and often by the pharma-coopted medical society.


People start understanding that Bill Gates and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) call the shots on public health around the world, especially on vaccination – and now on vaccination against the corona virus. The sinister new vaccines to be developed by Bill Gates in tandem with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), one of 27 agencies of the National Institute of Health (NIH), andsupported by CDC and WHO – and in cooperation with DARPA – are described above. All Gates promoted vaccines are made by western pharma-corporations.


You should know, that the Bill Gates Foundation also generously funds NIAID, NIH and CDC. Both CDC and NIH own several hundred if not thousands of vaccine patents. So, they have a vested interest in promoting vaccination, no matter how much harm they cause to the population.


But this cannot be questioned, let alone criticized – else you will be denigrated as a conspiracy theorist.In fact, western Governments hire psychologists, sociologist and medical doctors to give interviews and talk to the media, on conspiracy theories – in a last-ditch effort to dissuade people from thinking and from believing the truth, if it is presented by non-mainstream media, or simply if it doesn’t correspond to the going political narrative. And many still fall for the lie, but ever more people are becoming suspicious and stick to their own investigated information – and demonstrate and protest, often with civil disobedience, against harsh government measure of police -and often military crackdowns.



Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.9452230   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Consumer "Cash" Spending Is Much Worse Than The Reported Figures


Consumer spending fell a record 13.6% in April, according to the preliminary estimates by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). But the spending numbers based on “cash” outlays are much worse.


The government’s monthly report on consumer spending (i.e. personal consumption expenditures) is a blend of actual cash outlays and estimated figures. Spending on durable and nondurable goods reflects “cash” outlays as reported by the monthly sales at retail establishments. But spending on some consumer services is reported on an accrual basis. In other words, even when consumers fail to pay the reported figures say they did.


For example, April’s consumer spending data showed a $1.6 billion increase to $639 billion annualized for tenants rent. Press reports and surveys have found that about one-third of renters did not make their monthly payment, which raises questions over the accuracy of the monthly spending numbers.

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.9452287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MSM protecting skippy


'Major' breakthrough in the hunt for Maddie: Police say they have identified a new Madeleine McCann suspect as paedophile currently in jail in Germany who was in Portuguese resort minutes before the toddler vanished

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.9452325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2496

Police officers 'take a knee' in front of angry crowd of 2,000 Black Lives Matter protestors at the gates of Number 10 yelling 'f Boris, f Trump' as plastic bottles are thrown, an officer is punched and at least one demonstrator arrested


Black Lives Matter protest underway at Hyde Park in London is second major demonstration in UK so far

Stand Up To Racism also wants Britons to 'take the knee' on doorsteps at 6pm tonight in separate protest

UK police chief constables have called for 'justice and accountability' and condemn violent scenes in US

Metropolitan Police officers went down on one knee in solidarity with the protesters near Downing Street

George Floyd died after white police officer put knee on his neck in Minneapolis for nine minutes last week


A line of Metropolitan Police officers 'took a knee' in tribute to George Floyd today as thousands of protesters gathered outside Downing Street.


At least 15,000 Black Lives Matter protesters including actor John Boyega and singer Liam Payne gathered in London, ignoring social distancing guidelines, as a show of anger against the death of Mr Floyd in the US.


And at least 2,000 of those demonstrated in front of Downing Street, shouting 'take a knee' at Metropolitan Police officers guarding security gates.


Four officers obliged, to the approval of the crowds, who urged other officers to follow the example of their colleagues. The 'take a knee' movement started in the US with NFL star Colin Kaepernick and has become a symbol of anger and solidarity against racism across the world.


In the US, officers recently started taking a knee in support of protesters following days of unrest after Mr Floyd's killing at the hands of police.


There were pockets of anger among the crowd, however, with protesters chanting 'f Boris' and 'f Trump'.


At least three missiles were thrown at police lines, with one officer punched and at least one demonstrator arrested. A cameraman was struck by a glass bottle and was pictured having his wound tended to by police.


However, the abuse was sporadic, with the crowd largely shouting down the culprits during the demonstration outside Downing Street.


Huge crowds had gathered in Hyde Park this afternoon as many campaigners wore face coverings and held signs with messages such as 'Please, I can't breathe', 'BLM' and 'Colour ≠ Crime'.


The rally comes as global demonstrations gather pace following the death of 46-year-old black man Mr Floyd who died after white police officer Derek Chauvin put his knee on his neck for nine minutes in Minneapolis on May 25.


Today, Star Wars actor Boyega told the crowd: 'Black lives have always mattered. We have always been important. We have always meant something. We have always succeeded regardless. And now is the time. I ain't waiting.'


Police were generally keeping in the background of the protest while their helicopters circled above. Banners included 'Enough is Enough', 'Remember Smiley Culture', 'Remember Cherry Groce', and 'UK is not innocent'.


After leaving Hyde Park, the protesters clambered onto traffic lights as they marched down Park Lane towards Victoria.


They then rallied in Parliament Square in the heart of Westminster where some of the demonstrators climbed up a statue of wartime prime minister Winston Churchill.


Bob Marley's Three Little Birds blared out on a loudspeaker. One protester wore a Colin Kaepernick shirt after the black American footballer who started the knee protest in the US. Thousands of demonstrators at times went down on one knee chanting 'George Floyd, George Floyd.'


It comes after UK chief constables joined forces to say they were 'appalled and horrified' by the death and called for 'justice and accountability', while warning those attending protests to do so while maintaining a safe distance.


Separately, anti-racism campaign group Stand Up to Racism is urging Britons to 'take the knee' on their doorsteps at 6pm tonight for a protest against discrimination which is also backing the Black Lives Matter movement.

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.9452355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2373

Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi Joins DC Protesters After They Torched Historic Church and Desecrated National War Memorials!


Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi joined the DC Protest mob on Wednesday in Washington DC.

This is two days after the torched historic St. John’s Church and desecrated the Lincoln Memorial and Korean War Memorial.


And US Park Police even found stashes of weapons planted for the protesters near the White House.


This is your Democrat Party.


I think it’s fair to say Nancy Pelosi is officially on the side of the mob now.

Anonymous ID: 0a371c June 3, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.9452387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrat Lawmaker Compares Richard Grenell to Nazi Propaganda Leader Goebbels


Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell called out the #FakeNews media on Tuesday for lying to the masses about the so-called “peaceful” protesters outside the White House on Monday that were removed by Secret Service in the evening.


Richard Grenell retweeted the Park Police statement on the violent leftist protest mob near the White House.


The liberal mainstream media, who completely make up their stories these days, said in their reports the protest mob was peaceful.

The US Park Police set them straight.



At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.


Richard Grenell urged the #FakeNews outlets to correct their reports that described a fantasy situation that never occurred.


That’s when Democrat Rep. Eric Swallwell compared Richard Grenell to Nazi propaganda leader Joseph Goebbels.


It will be interesting to see if any of the far left Jewish Groups like the ADL will condemn Swalwell for his outrageous comparison.

We’re not holding our breath.