Anonymous ID: d3b27a June 3, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9451866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1875



It's not about the officers. Nothing will ever satisfy these people. They hate whites and most of all, they hate America. Leftists get to keep winning every day. At least they get to experience what it's like to watch their enemies get arrested. All of our enemies are still talking just as much shit as ever and laughing in our faces. If anyone actually believes that Obama will be going to prison, they are idiots. Imaging these riots times 10. Never going to happen. Which is why he will be on television at 5:00 stirring more division and talking just as much shit as ever. He knows that he is untouchable and will laugh right in our faces.

Anonymous ID: d3b27a June 3, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.9451924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1964



I'm not going to go that far, anon. I support Trump and believe that Q is real. But we have to be realistic. Nothing will ever change the minds of these radical leftists, who now represent a very large portion of the U.S. population. No matter what evidence you show them, they will always support Obama and the leftist agenda. If Obama is arrested, they will never accept it. No matter what. What can Trump do? Even if Trump provided video evidence of Obama committing treason, it wouldn't even matter. Leftists hate America, so do you think they will care if Obama intentionally sold us out? They will double down and support him even more. So no, I don't believe for a second Obama will ever be arrested. Saying so is misleading and giving real patriots a false sense of hope. Obama's arrest would lead to mass riots that make the ones right now look like a cake walk.

Anonymous ID: d3b27a June 3, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.9452059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2190 >>2261


Anon, Obama is a complete traitor and a disgrace to our nation. Not only did he bring our country to its knees, he has also managed to keep every single person from his administration from being criminally prosecuted. Call him what you like, but give our enemy the respect he deserves. Obama is highly intelligent and he has covered his tracks so well that absolutely nothing will ever happen to him. Down deep, everyone knows this. They are just so invested in the happy ending where the traitors go to prison and America is united again, that they refuse to face the reality that all of these people will remain free. The Dems have no intention of losing 2020. They will ride the wave of "systematic racism" to the finish line because they know it will work.

Anonymous ID: d3b27a June 3, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.9452177   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Obama shut down our space program, gave away the internet, opened our borders, funded insurgency groups, waged war against law enforcement, created black lives matter, used tax dollars to fund Antifa, allowed gays in the military, removed Generals who didn't go along, placed leftwing activist judges in red areas completely violating hundreds of years of collaboration with state senators/ representatives from those areas. This is just a few of the treasonous acts as President of the United States. Now ask yourself, would any Democrat consider any of this treason? No, because they all hate America. Absolutely nothing will ever make the Dems accept the arrest of Obama. No matter how much evidence is presented, they will always double down and support their leftist agenda. Obama will never be arrested. If it was even attempted, there would be riots like we've never seen.

Anonymous ID: d3b27a June 3, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.9452268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The most misleading and blatant lie we've ever been told was that there would not be a Civil War. There's no living with these people any more. The Democrats are in open sedition. The people who are dividing America, supporting riots, and targeting Trump as we speak, are the people who are on the verge of complete electoral power in the United States. Once the last remaining swing state turn blue due to non white immigration, Conservatives will not be able to win at the ballot box anymore. The Military has already been infiltrated. When Civil Wars break out, the Military always splits. There will eventually be a Civil War in this country. There's no getting around it. And if there's not a Civil War, then that means the Conservatives got on the railroad cars willingly.

Anonymous ID: d3b27a June 3, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.9452318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2370


Why would you believe a word Papadopoulos says? He went on and on for the past week talking about how damning Rosenstein's testimony would be. Said that after he testified, the Obama white house would be subpoenaed. Nothing happened.

Anonymous ID: d3b27a June 3, 2020, 1 p.m. No.9452408   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It will be nothing more than showboating and Dems women auditioning for Biden's VP pick. We've seen this play out time and time again. Nothing ever happens. At this point, both sides are just running out the clock going into November.