Arrested for what? Faking a murder?
If not, I don't give a fuck
Downies enjoy everything…proving my point
truth resonates
Q could have showed some evidence instead of
letting them destroy the country
Get your head out of your ass
You stupid cunts are like a broken record
Anyone who points out that "The Plan"
was bullshit is a shill or glownigger
Think logically…look around…does it look
like we are winning?
dumb fuck
Ohhh..I'm guilty of a crime now?
Which one? Wrongthink?
Am I going to Gitmo for pointing out facts and using logic?
You are as disgusting as the leftists
tits or gtfo
oh yeah…"go play in the street" really means
go out there and safely dodge cars
You are as brainwashed as the CNN zombies
Yeah..I'm here to learn. Please teach me
Tell me again about the Rosenstein bombshells
from this morning… pathetic
ok…keep me posted