Charlamagne tha God: Biden’s Record in the Senate ‘Reflects Very Racist Legislation’
Charlamagne tha God: Biden’s Record in the Senate ‘Reflects Very Racist Legislation’
SD Gov Noem. She's the best.
You need an IQ higher than that of an amoeba in order to see what has been steadily unfolding.
George Papadopoulos
This was a coordinated conspiracy to spy and sabotage Americans and an administration. We know from public records that crimes were committed (MCcabe and Clinesmith). Cooperating witnesses? Who goes down first? Justice
Dinesh D'Souza
Obama addressing America on how to heal the racial divide is like Al Capone holding a national symposium on how to address the nation’s crime problem
Donald Trump Jr.
But there is an option for *AND instead of OR.
It’s now clear - Rod Rosenstein is either the most corrupt lawyer to ever serve as the Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein is the most incompetent buffoon to ever serve as the Deputy Attorney General.
There’s no option “C.”
Biden claims Obama years were scandal free but only 34% of voters agree: 40% of voters cite IRS, Russiagate or Fast & Furious as scandals for the last administration.
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