Once again the government is a clown show and covers up corruption at all levels.
Four Issues Highlight How Lindsey Graham’s Senate Hearings Are a Deep State Cover Operation
not a single Senator inquired about the specifics behind how the August 2, 2017, scope memo was created: Who specifically identified the targets; what justification was provided by the special counsel to target the officials; why were those specific persons were selected; and under what predicate was Rosenstein authorized to expand the Mueller investigation
There was ZERO inquiry from the Senate Judiciary Committee into a known issue that was/is relevant to the ongoing prosecution of General Michael Flynn; the "hidden" Rod Rosenstein memorandum to target Michael Flynn Jr. as leverage to force a guilty plea from the original target Rosenstein authorized
Despite the former Deputy AG stating twice that he was troubled by the leaking of the highly classified FISA application to the media, the committee intentionally and purposefully avoided asking the obvious question:
"If DAG Rod Rosenstein was so concerned about the leak of the Carter Page FISA, then why did the DOJ under Rosenstein’s tenure purposefully refuse to indict SSCI Security Director James Wolfe for leaking the FISA application?"
The Senate Judiciary Committee was recently made aware of a letter from the DOJ to the FISA Court written in July of 2018. The letter was/is a specific example of fraud upon the court during the tenure of Rod Rosenstein. It is inexcusable that Rod Rosenstein was not asked about the July 12, 2018, material lie to the court.
As Comrade Fudge eloquently stated today:
"Everyone in that room today should be wearing clown noses and have their words replaced with loud honks."