This is bigger than you can image
How close is the nearest star?
The Great Awakening
Combining all this got me thinking of other worldly things ie things beyond what we normally know and think about. A few days ago was the big Pope reveal that there was worshiping going on that we were not aware of, it was not pretty, it is down right evil. So what does that mean for us as humans as a species. Has this harmed the fabric of our existence, our souls somehow? And what about the spirit cooking that’s been going on. That couldn’t of helped us either.
So first, Spirit cooking, what does it mean?
Google has already scrubbed this, the only definition now is that it is innocent creative art. Of course we all know it as the brainchild of their hero Aleister Crowley. He is the number one creep the globalist all drool over. He was born in 1875 and was an occultist, ceremonial
magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century.
So, the pope and Spirit cookers are trying to summon the spirits. Well how many “good” spirits would arrive at their depraved parties/ceremonies? What about all these “bad” spirits being summoned? Should we be worried?
Luckily there was another reveal to us about the same time all these other reveals came to a head. The ancient scrolls of the nag hammadi were discovered. These texts involve the teachings of Jesus that the pope’s of the past did not allow into the bible. From the Book of Mary, the only one who truly fully understood Jesus’ teachings the following is explained.
We are all part of the one mind, on earth we are in human body Form (physical body). Each one of us has a unique soul that was placed in human Form, included with each soul are a few specific spirits that stay with each unique soul. When you feel the most like yourself you are feeling these spirits that are pretty much with you always. Besides these personal spirits there are many many many more not assigned to anybody. These are the spirits that influence what we do in Form. They are always present. They are a HUGE part of the “Great Awakening” because there are infinitely more of them then there are of us ie. souls here on earth. Our thoughts and actions in Form are influencing and being influenced at the same time by these spirits.
So back to the pope with his dark ceremonies and the globalists with their spirit cooking parties. Imagine the the strength of the most righteous, reliable, trustworthy, honorable, truthful person you know and compare to the strength of the most sniveling, unrighteous, selfish depraved person you know. Now you know what they are summoning, the weakest most pathetic spirits you can imagine. As above so Below.