Q your psyops are so effective you are destroying your own people with it
they are deescalating
Esper reverses decision?WTF is going on, no control over situation
I don't know I am torn, seems like they were safer to me. Who is going to attack kneeling people, that would look extremely bad
I doubt they are listening much to us honestly, at least keep the troops nearby it's a big sign of weakness to just return them home.
maybe I hope, they seem to be confused
yea weird maybe they were monitoring reactions or something to shake people out of their holes.
I am starting to think after my initial emotional reaction, that returning troops home was a way to flush out out bad people organizing this stuff. I am sure they got excited and started communicating and planning and this allows MI to track them better. They though they had turned the tide by turning Esper against Trump but if that was true he would be gone.
True statement, we are human and get upset