>To an extent. I don't pity them. But I don't 100% blame them for being brainwashed.
HELLO Mr. ALso Brainwashed and doesn't recognize it. Take the log from your own eye before complaining about the splinter in your neighbor's.
Q came in here last night quoting the bible (ALWAYS guaranteed to work on you lot) and posting trite bullshit stuff like 'GOD WINS" and PRAY-and you sheep just line up and baa as commanded.
YOU ARE BEING MINDFUCKED and your beliefs are being used to do it. YOU ARE AS DRUGGED AND BRAIN DEAD as the Drugged antifa kids.
>God wins
The ONLY fucking time GOD has ever won was when he KILLED EVERYONE for not loving him enough.
IF you want to be woke-look in the damn mirror. Recognize your own brainwashing-recognize that the "enemy" is also being brainwashed.
Will Trump force vaccinations? I don't know, do you? One minute he says NO, the second he says yes. MINDFUCKERY. I guess we'll have to elect him again to find out.
Look I like Trump but I am also not fucking stupid. What they are doing to you is as wrong as what is being done to the left.