Dude....wake up. You are literally mind fucking yourself with that very perception of this situation. Every thought comes from the inside to the outside. (Up is down ... down is up). It starts with you and impacts the world around you..
This place excellent training for how to deal with psychological warfare. (Which we are currently experiencing....BTW) The MSM, Chinese influence and frequency warfare have been pervasive. Its a silent war that most aren't even aware is happening.
The whole world is a psyop. Every thought emotion, sense matters...or should I say.... becomes matter. Think about it.....our very perception collapses a field all around us. Its very important how we approach life and the sea of energy that surrounds us at every moment of every day.
Figure out the patterns and quit being linear. It is a hologram and nothing is really wrong if non of it is really true. If you believe it ... its true. This place is training for anons and battling the forces that go aginst our true power. I thank Q every day for opening our eyes and making us tough enough to go through this experience. Without him we would be lost.
Observe your own thoughts as they rise and fall with the post. The truth is all around you if your system is tuned. Research kineseolgy if you want to comprehend what I am talking about.
Enjoy the show .... we got this. W&W