>>9456873 lb
4plebs.org is a MIRROR site for 4chan. 8ch/8kun native archive format is a totally different animal - it's just an archive - saves all the posts & thumbnails but NOT full-sized images.
Archive sites archive.today & archive.org do different things. Archive.today gives you the page saved, a large image of the page, and you can download a zip file of the page you save (archive.org doesn't' offer the zip file) - both save text & thumbnails but NOT full-sized images.
I save all the images Q posts/in anons' posts Q responds to (full-size) in an off-site gallery, if that is what you are looking for.
If you can tell me what image(s) you are looking for specifically, I might be able to help you. No guarantees, but I'll certainly try.>>9457251
t. archivefag
>>9456879 lb
Always happy to help.