WTF is this article trying to do? And even included Joe Scarborough reference???? HMMM???
Published 11:45 a.m. ET Jun. 3, 2020 Updated 3:32 p.m. ET Jun.3, 2020
Matt Bennett opinion Contributor
I helped create the worst photo-op ever. Thanks to Trump, now it's only second worst.
The St. John's photo-op wasn’t just odd and uncomfortable. It was built on violations of the Constitution, the law, simple decency and common sense.
President Donald Trump walked out of the White House gates and into history this week. His stroll through Lafayette Park took him to St. John's Episcopal Church. There, after an egregious abuse of power, and with his penchant for awkward poses, Trump created the worst presidential visual of all time. I should know — I helped create what is now the second worst.
During the racial justice protests, as in normal times, there is an understandable focus on what Trump is saying — and failing to say. He has taunted governors, blustered about the military and, with staggering narcissism, tweeted that he has “done more for the Black Community than any president since Abraham Lincoln.” Yet he has paid only the barest lip service to the police killing of George Floyd or the deep systemic racism that has sent people into the streets of almost every American city.
But images tend to stay in the public consciousness longer than speech. That is why White House and campaign staffs spend extraordinary amounts of time, energy and money producing the pictures they hope will create favorable impressions in the minds of voters.
'The worst political event in history'
Mostly, these images are predictable and successful. But as political stagecraft impresario Josh King detailed in his book "Off Script," sometimes it all goes awry. Things can break, as candidate Bob Dole found in 1996, when he plummeted off a stage after a railing gave way. And the staff can make bad choices, as President George W. Bush found after standing in front of a “Mission Accomplished” banner on an aircraft carrier when the mission in Iraq decidedly had not been accomplished.