Tanks Bakes
Upper Class Twit of the Year
>i noticed a lot less antifa tonight at all the protests, are they already swept up?
Beat up and beat down, more like it. People calling the little tranny-wannabes out and fucking them up.
> The smart ones went home, and are hoping the subject never comes up.
That's an oxyMoran
> if a DA has a relationship with a criminal enterprise and assures them before the commit a crime that they can do so without being prosecuted then can the be charged as an accessory to that crime?
No anon, that's a Federal Felony. Falls under RICO. Oh that would be sweet if the Feds have those kinda goods.
Five Finger Death Punch - Blue On Black
There' a man in a box
>This exchange never would have happened if RR was a black hat.
>Durbin thought he was.
When does a bird sing.