As the black and brown chaos now spreads over in Europe as well, it should become more and more obvious to people why the Jewish elite flooded Europe with blacks, Arabs and Muslims in the first place. The chaos and societal collapse was always the goal.
Don't blame white people for the Jewish man's crimes.
Don't blame white people for the Jewish man's crimes.
Don't blame white people for the Jewish man's crimes.
If only Trump and the Patriots would arrest GS and his people already. Enough is enough. How many more innocent people must die before they act?
From an economic standpoint, things are absolutely catastrophic as well. Everything is collapsing. Everything is crumbling. Everything is falling apart. The stock market is the only thing that looks good and that's only because it's being propped up by the Fed. The Fed, which is buying up all of America. Titanic is sinking. There is no happy ending.