Wakem up anons!
Looking forward to people learning that the MSM has been knowingly reporting fake news and fucking with their minds. The black community is not going to take this very well when they find out it has been going on for hundreds of years.
Should we zip tie them now and deliver them to the "protest"….asking for a fren.
>(You) faggots REALLY think Maddog Mattis is one of [them]???
Negative….anyone that has looked in to his background would know this is not the case. Anything could be going on behind the scenes including threats to his family / blackmail…who knows. Just keep eyes on everything. There is a lot of distraction going on right now. We are looking over here at the dumpster fire….what are we missing over there…..
only time will tell.
Copy that….
Even the chick takin a dump on the cruiser had three Asians watching the show with a Antifa handler near by….
Shill we have talked before….want to know how I know?
You really need to STFU you have no idea what you are talking about. Also if you come to this board you better have done all your updates and locked down your system.
Friendly advise….for now.