Anonymous ID: eba45f June 4, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.9463098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3146

TEXAS- Beaumont PD changing its policy: Will not condone intentional use of knee on neck or head


New developments surrounding a police technique caught on video, showing a Beaumont officer using his knee on a teenager's neck to restrain him.


The incident happened in the Parkdale Mall parking lot on Feb. 23.


The cell phone video only surfaced this past weekend.


And, the video has taken on added significance since the death of George Floyd, who died when a Minneapolis police officer pinned him down by pressing his knee on Floyd's neck.


On Wednesday night, the Beaumont teen reached out to KFDM's Angel San Juan.


The teen, who is a Beaumont United High School student, wanted to clarify that he's 17 and not 14 as originally reported.


He also said that he doesn't want to be known as the boy in a yellow jacket slammed by the police.


But he did say that he did nothing wrong that day and was only there protecting his sister.


On Tuesday, we asked BPD Chief Jim Singletary for a response.


And, on Wednesday night, Chief Singletary released a statement saying he supports the actions of the officers.


The chief says the teen attempted to interfere with the arrest of a female who'd been fighting in a large crowd of juveniles.


And, chief Singletary says the teen resisted the officers.


According to chief Singletary, one officer applied pressure to the teen's upper back and neck and did not place his full weight on him.


Singletary says no one was hurt, and police released the teen.


He says the officer's actions followed the policy and rules of the department.


However, the chief says that after careful consideration he has decided the Beaumont Police Department will not teach or condone techniques that involve the intentional use of knees on an arrestee's head or neck as a contact point.