My life has been truly blessed.
Yet I've gone from standing atop the precipice to hanging off the edge of it in just six short months.
And before the KYS fags pipe up, I have already begun contemplating my plan (Z)
by simply walking down to the local black block party in my city wearing my MAGA hat and carrying my beloved American flag
and telling off a few "anti fascists" and let nature (by today's standards) take it's course.
I figure at least this way Spouse Anon will become a beneficiary and maybe I'll get a mention in the local paper for once in my life, not that I ever cared.
I'm a simple man; loyal to this country since I could think.
I have prayed for Q team and POTUS and Anons every day since November 2017. I've trusted the plan. I have never been a concern fag.
Besides my life's career burning to ashes and watching my friend's and neighbor's businesses go bust I've been pushed over the edge by having to witness our NG kneel down before that pansy leftist crowd which is more demoralizing to me than when the Mullah's Navy had Obama's Navy kneeling in the Straights.
Within the next eight weeks, my only other plan would be to cash out the IRA pack Spouse and Kids Anons and Dog Anon and abandon the homestead of twenty years and haul the popup trailer off into some remote woods and try to avoid the tax collector and mortgage holder and keep repo man from taking my truck and see how simple we can survive over the next
couple years if we can avoid being found by the bandits.
My only question, Q, is should we still Trust The Plan?
It really does NOT appear that patriots are in control any longer, if they were ever at all. And please, Q, refrain from employing the term "soon". I don't think that word means what you think it means.
This isn't how Spouse Anon and I believed it would go.
God bless POTUS and keep him safe.