Anonymous ID: a8468d June 4, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.9464144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Post -Exposure Prophylactic

I fucking hate the news. The only good thing is that the study showed no increased risk of heart attacks compared to what nonsense is being pushed by the media. And they are saying that an infection rate of 13.8% for placebo vs 11.(?)% for hydroxychloroquine is statistically insignificant to be able to say it prevents the disease.


I think they manipulated the data a bit more smoothly than other studies to hide the benefits. Only 20% of the participants took zinc with it (or said they took zinc) but it wasn’t done scientifically (no controls).


Why won’t they have participants take hydroxychloroquine before exposure? ALL of the studies recently after been post-exposure studies.


Why? Because Trump said he took it post exposure (supposedly) even though there was a report that they told all the high level leaders to start taking it in January.


I don’t think they want a study that shows how effective it is as a prophylactic, they are doing what they can to minimize its impact as a prophylactic and show its inefficacy as a treatment regimen.


Prophylactic vs treatment regimen.

Pre-exposure vs. Post exposure

Educate yourself so you can see the bias in these studies.

Anonymous ID: a8468d June 4, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.9464270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


left sleeve = unit patch = all the same


right sleeve = combat patches (who’ve they deployed with) = different patches


Congrats, you know literally nothing about the military.