In the middle of quarterly departmental town hall, you wouldn't believe the shit being shoved down our threats.
*Racism, Racism, Racism…showing Jimmy Fallon's self-flagellating "apology video" to us, and his discussion with Don Lemon.
*Now they're showing us Don Lemon telling us that the rioting is proportional to "mass murder over the years."
*Colin Kap is a hero. Trump is evil (from Don Lemon)
*If someone says BLM then you do not contradict them in anyway.
*Don't say this, don't say that…but don't be silent. (You MUST agree with us)
*Watch CNN. Good coverage. They are going to have race relations coverage for children. Watch it, take notes, talk with your children.
Pure "woke" bullshit. This a MAJOR corporation that is well-known.