Anonymous ID: 92e2cd June 4, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.9464974   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Possibly. I don't think things will go as they have in other countries. The rural and suburban environment is entirely different.

Kind of like how Japan had already lost world war 2 when they attacked pearl harbor. Their culture simply couldn't support an industrialized war and losses were already taking their toll and the caste feudal structure did not allow for timely replacement of losses.


A similar concept applies, here. While antifa will no doubt scale up attacks, I don't think the dynamic will play out as it did in Russia or in places like Yemen.

Perhaps that is simple denialism on my part - but the cities in America are outcroppings of the rural environment, not the other way around as it has been in many other nations where this format met with success.