Anonymous ID: a796d2 June 4, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.9465908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UFO's Land


They ALL get off

JFK Di Elvis Jimi Gary Kurt Janis Ghadafi Noriega Koresh Vicki Bill Gordan Martin Bobby Fred Tupac Biggie …. Mr. Floyd.


ALL the murdered, taken and denied justice. ALL


They will be "animated" long enough to tell their stories (what happened and how they were killed) picture and video proof of the current crop of cabal colluders will run along side the stories from all our dead heros. IRREFUTABLE As soon as the truth is relayed WW to the people - the animated corpses will "die" for all to see… and collective prayers will cleanse a resting place for their tormented souls.


Gotta be something HUGE like that.

Anonymous ID: a796d2 June 4, 2020, 9:47 a.m. No.9466027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6041



After the wall is built

MS-13 eliminated

cartel and gangs no more

America is back and whole.


Trump, our amazing POTUS will welcome with open arms ALL the people here who never were fortunate enough to get the SS# and debt slave status like average Americans. They will be reQuired to love this country which most do and uphold it's standards. Immigration will be reformed by the Great Reformer ~ POTUS. This will mend huge rifts racial/class etc. and POTUS will be the healer.


Mark my words anons!