You have run aground. Take your hyperbole and head for deeper waters.
>Normalizing the enemies plays
Cause you wont address what was actually said. instead, just like a democrap, you continue on with your little rant and pretend you have scored a point in your favor. Fucking glownigger.
>You're probably one of the faggots defending the NG kneeling
Keep pushing inland as we laugh. Your call. Cant wait to see what brilliant analysis you come up with next. Please, continue!
Yes, we. Didn't say all. You are not very good at this. Perhaps we could have a spelling bee?
>Keep playing with fire.
Light it bitch. But you wont because you are waiting for your grandmother to bring you your hot pockets.
>You're convinced I'm a larp who is waiting for my hot pockets.
Because you obviously are. Come on I know you are also a computer genius who also has been here from the start and would crawl over broken glass for POTUS. Lets seeeeeeeeee, im sure there are other things. So that being said, you know who I am and you know how to find me. Show up tough guy. Be a REAL man and light it. But you wont.
Ahhh so you are against POTUS. Exposed yourself. as a previous poster has said to you. See you in the streets soi boi.
> I'm not for any mortal man
Adam, Noah, Mosesโฆ all called of God. But NOT YOU. Nope you know better. You DA MAN! fucking liberal wanna be cunt with your cunt lips on your cunt face.
>I don't worship Adam. I don't worship Noah. I don't worship Moses.
Keep moving the goalpost. Thats not what you said and trying to turn the conversation from that just shows everyone here what a hypocritical shill you are.