Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz Exposes Democrats, Antifa, BLM & More
Chaziel Sunz shares his views on the Left, BLM and political life of the Black Community
His comment on the video page.
I was never in BLM or a Ferguson organizer! That narrative was created by people who wanted to attach me to something. I never said I was apart of that organization. I'm only speaking from my perspective, being almost automatically attached to BLM because im pro black. This is a big issue for me because its causing confusion. BLM was never the voice for the black community. They just tried to hijack a movement that already existed and put there political spin on it. Most of us were NEVER blm!! they just need us attached to there mayhem!!
Amazing how many are offended by this moment. I saw it as a powerful message of God speaking through Trump loud and clear.
We've been so conditioned as a society to turn away from God that it scares many people when they see someone being fearless in their faith in God!