>>9467218 Many people in this world will not be forgiven by man or by God.
>>9467237 The air headed yachter bloviates. Pathetic.
>>9467267 As a citizen, and as an anon from the beginning, I say, "They have been unmistakably warned, from multiple sources." And yet, we know that rabid dogs pay no attention to reasonable warnings.
>>9467453 The raw insanity out there is very strong. Have been hoping for many years, that in the end, the ignorant, lazy, dishonest & destructive morons in my family and circle-that's 90%, why me Lord-would have the scales fall from their eyes, get on their knees, and beg God for forgiveness. Not to mention the few of us sane people who have been fruitlessly showing them reality for all that time. Thought that maybe corona + riots would do the trick at long last. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just about all of them have instead jumped into the swirly as it is about to go down, shrieking about the Floyd. Not one of them knows anything about the low life, except the lies pushed by MSM, which my circle devours like manna from heaven. So instead of them finally reaching an epiphany and coming to grips with reality, they seem to have made their final choice for all time, proudly cementing in their goat status. Can not even speak to them now-separated by a deep abyss-and frankly do not even wish it. They disgust me.
>>9467775 We continue to occasionally see our own leaders in masks. As near as I can tell, this is to keep the opposition guessing about what our side is thinking and what we will do. Because sporadic mask wearing is illogical, not to mention counterproductive for our side.
>>9467887 Lying scumbag you.