Anonymous ID: 5a90d9 June 4, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.9469083   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could be there is a heavy attack on the nations psyche and Q keeps taking inside politics while outside the halls of power the nation burns. The optics are not great, very much appears that same lame ass investigations will lead to the same lame ass outcomes, while Q talks about patriots being in control and why the WH is important.

The WH is important when the people of this nation believe the WH is important. One disentor pointed out earlier that all the gains of the last 2 years were wiped out in two months by public health and BLM. All the inside politics and truth in the world is useless as long as the average person in this country is not seeing results. Well at this point the results are pretty dismal for the average American and the average Q supporter/ POTUS supporter is left making arguments about what 'really might be the truth' to a bunch of people who 'know the truth' being shown to them everyday by the MSM. At some point the perception becomes the reality and a couple of million patriots get washed away in the flood of public opinion.