Anonymous ID: f4d2b6 June 4, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.9469881   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes I agree, those last posts sure do paint it that way. If there was going to be intervention surely it would have happened already, at least in a way to help us expose the lies and the MSM deception.


So many good people are still so completely deranged and deluded, hard to think that many will lose everything possibly including their lives because we could not wake them in time.


Conversely many awakened people may lost everything including their lives because they will be attacked by good people who have not been woken.


It is hard to accept that Patriots in control could not have done a better job to expose the control mechanism and the deception in so many ways.


Besides Project Veritas, surely there was a way to expose the infiltrated compromised media for what it is. Surely we could have woken more people. Because I tell you it sure feels like more than the 4-6% we'll be going up against to defend our families.