Anonymous ID: 674d3b June 4, 2020, 1:53 p.m. No.9470451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9470062 (lb)

Q AI does have access to Trump and they have Trump convinced they are on his side. THEY have actively been LYING to Trump. About everything. Do you think they aren't telling Trump to WAIT WAIT we almost have everything in place? Because they are.


He is trusting this shit-yes they have insight (LOOKING GLASS) and BOTH sides are using it. TRUMP is also being manipulated by this fucking computer that only wants to usher in a technocracy and they are using HIM to do it.





>You're all group think and Q is playing you only for the elections.

And just like the left they have been so heavily conditioned they will double down on their "faith".


When think for yourself really means LOCKSTEP and stop asking questions.




NOW fucking go back and look at the mind control research–where it all started-who funded it. IT GOES BACK ALL THE WAY to L. Ron Hubbard, Robert MAXWELL, Alstair CROWLEY, JACK PARSONS-flash forward. MAXWELL was Epstein's mentor- EPSTEIN FUNDS MIND CONTROL RESEARCH. He funded Charles Lieber, Gates funneled money to Epstein to fund MIND CONTROL research.



(not really, think what we tell you flock in the direction we point and attack anyone that questions you" $CIENTOLOGY 101-MIND CONTROL.


Lieber stole a virus-he took it to Canada, those chinks took it to China. LIEBER's research was virus sized batteries/receivers/transmitters. GATES wants a vaccine to deliver a PAYLOAD to the place in the BRAIN that the VIRUS lodges. THE BRAIN STEM. WHy don't you know this? WHY? Q points in the fucking opposite direction. That's why.


Wake up-right now you are nothing but experiment subjects.


THINK FOR YOURSELF mantra of #cientology. Love the header for this thread trying to cement the false idea that YOU are actually thinking for yourselves. NO you are not-because YOU are not asking the right questions. BAAAAAAA all WE LIKE SHEEP.

Anonymous ID: 674d3b June 4, 2020, 1:54 p.m. No.9470510   🗄️.is 🔗kun


HELLO–Q AI is working on THEIR OWN behalf and they have convinced Trump they are on his side. WHILE THEY USE HIM to usher in the technocracy and yes KIKES are running the show. START ASKING THESE QUESTIONS and watch Q AI shit their bricks.




OMG thank you. A QUESTION. WHY wasn't this done? I think the obvious answer is OBVIOUS.


Q AI sat back and watched the media manipulate the left into attacking us from the moment Trump announced for president. THE MEDIA has been lying and using FAKE NEWS against the left just like they do to us. WHY DID THE LEFT BURN CNN?


THE LEFT was lied to continually


>trump won't win


>trump will be impeached


THESE PEOPLE are as weary of being lied to as we are.


LOL there is no way Q is going to even address this. WTF do you think Q is? Q isn't about to fucking outlaw themselves.


BUT-we need to keep pushing this-force them to answer this question. WHY was FAKE NEWS allowed to continue their propaganda against Americans? WHO RUNS THE MEDIA?


WHO is Trump's favorite country in the world?


Q will ignore this and if any of us asking this question start getting traction-we will be dealt with. The only reason we haven't is because the Q force is so heavily brainwashed JUST LIKE THE LEFT by propagada that they won't.










Start saying this stuff and watch Q AI shit the bricks.

Anonymous ID: 674d3b June 4, 2020, 2 p.m. No.9470648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9469966 (lb)

>THIS!!!!!!!!!!! The Smith-Mundt Act! Why hasn't there been an EO to put this back in place to stop the propaganda media lying to us. WHY??????




WHY weren't we told of the legal remedies to remove corrupt govenment officials? WE THE PEOPLE have that power and yet Q AI remained silent.


WHY wasn't the FIRST act of patriots in Virginia to start a LEGAL RECALL PETITION on the corrupt governor subverting the Constitution. NO-they didn't even do that-at all. Instead they marched with their guns..fine-peaceful protest but it DID NOTHING to stop the corrupt governor.


WHY wasn't the legal remedy mentioned? NO ONE mentioned at ALL to recall the VA governor (except me, here and you lot called me a shill).


WHY aren't they ansering these questions? WE have legal remedy to remove corrupt local mayors, corrupt governors and yet not one fucking time has Q mentioned it. Keeps yapping about the Enlightenment and the French Revolution-as if FRANCE is a model society. FUCK YOU. Start answering our valid questions.



>WHY wasn't it even mentioned that WE THE PEOPLE can ask corrupt government officials be removed LEGALLY?


but muh enlightenment bro…right.

Anonymous ID: 674d3b June 4, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.9470798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FUCK OFF and answer the questions.


>why wasn't Trump's first act in office to demand that the SMITH-MUNDT Act be repealed? WHY has the media been permitted to continue to use propaganda against us LEGALLY?

>WHY has there been NO mention of the legal remedies ALL US citizens have available to us. WHY wasn't there a RECALL petition on the corrupt VA gov? Why aren't YOU TELLING THEM that they can ask local sheriffs to arrest corrupt government officials?


Bill Clinton holding a bible so the fuck what. The media has been permitted to brainwash BOTH SIDES LEGALLY.


Answer the fucking question Q AI. WHY did you let Trump get intel briefings that lied to him about the virus when INTEL, that monitors every word we say on /pol/ had to have known. WHY does Nancy Messionier who LIED about the number of cases in the US still have her job? (ROD ROSENTSTEIN's SISTER)…


WHY is the Israel/CHINA/AI interference in our country NOT even part of the conversation?

Anonymous ID: 674d3b June 4, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.9470900   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Way to try to take the teeth out of the legal remedy. POLICE OFFICERS who are being put in the line of fire and fucked over by their "leadership" INCLUDING corrupt Sheriffs have the RIGHT AND THE DUTY to arrest the corrupt officials. YOU have the right to demand this. The MAYOR is going to shove a corrupt backer at the voters-


I mean it- start supporting your locals, start asking them to do something about the corruption. YES there are corrupt police officers to-we want them gone Stop feeling helpless-you post was entirely helpless. YOU are not helpless. DO YOU want to put on the uniform of a police officer and face this shit? THEY DO IT EVERY DAY-start supporting the good cops to get rid of the bad cops.