>>9470062 (lb)
Q AI does have access to Trump and they have Trump convinced they are on his side. THEY have actively been LYING to Trump. About everything. Do you think they aren't telling Trump to WAIT WAIT we almost have everything in place? Because they are.
He is trusting this shit-yes they have insight (LOOKING GLASS) and BOTH sides are using it. TRUMP is also being manipulated by this fucking computer that only wants to usher in a technocracy and they are using HIM to do it.
>You're all group think and Q is playing you only for the elections.
And just like the left they have been so heavily conditioned they will double down on their "faith".
When think for yourself really means LOCKSTEP and stop asking questions.
NOW fucking go back and look at the mind control research–where it all started-who funded it. IT GOES BACK ALL THE WAY to L. Ron Hubbard, Robert MAXWELL, Alstair CROWLEY, JACK PARSONS-flash forward. MAXWELL was Epstein's mentor- EPSTEIN FUNDS MIND CONTROL RESEARCH. He funded Charles Lieber, Gates funneled money to Epstein to fund MIND CONTROL research.
(not really, think what we tell you flock in the direction we point and attack anyone that questions you" $CIENTOLOGY 101-MIND CONTROL.
Lieber stole a virus-he took it to Canada, those chinks took it to China. LIEBER's research was virus sized batteries/receivers/transmitters. GATES wants a vaccine to deliver a PAYLOAD to the place in the BRAIN that the VIRUS lodges. THE BRAIN STEM. WHy don't you know this? WHY? Q points in the fucking opposite direction. That's why.
Wake up-right now you are nothing but experiment subjects.
THINK FOR YOURSELF mantra of #cientology. Love the header for this thread trying to cement the false idea that YOU are actually thinking for yourselves. NO you are not-because YOU are not asking the right questions. BAAAAAAA all WE LIKE SHEEP.