Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.9470982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1001 >>1074 >>1154

>>9470797 (pb)

>Those of us hanging in there are still in training.


>Those of us hanging in there are still in training.

Think for yourself don't ask dangerous questions research THEM don't ask questions follow us don't ask questions, think for yourself, you are thinking for yourself, you are, honest.


YOU have been perfectly programmed to call people who DO think for themselves and DO ask valid questions-SHILLS. Congratulations your programming is COMPLETE.


WHY the fuck would anyone be scared of this question?


>WHY didn't Trump immediately ask for the repeal of Smith-Mundt? That is a perfectly valid question and only the "shills" are free thinking enough to dare to ask it.

Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.9471085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1132 >>1147 >>1177 >>1198 >>1269 >>1283 >>1294 >>1392 >>1430 >>1503

THIS!!!!!!!!!!! The Smith-Mundt Act! Why hasn't there been an EO to put this back in place to stop the propaganda media lying to us. WHY??????




WHY weren't we told of the legal remedies to remove corrupt govenment officials? WE THE PEOPLE have that power and yet Q AI remained silent.


WHY wasn't the FIRST act of patriots in Virginia to start a LEGAL RECALL PETITION on the corrupt governor subverting the Constitution. NO-they didn't even do that-at all. Instead they marched with their guns..fine-peaceful protest but it DID NOTHING to stop the corrupt governor.


WHY wasn't the legal remedy mentioned? NO ONE mentioned at ALL to recall the VA governor (except me, here and you lot called me a shill).


WHY aren't they ansering these questions? WE have legal remedy to remove corrupt local mayors, corrupt governors and yet not one fucking time has Q mentioned it. Keeps yapping about the Enlightenment and the French Revolution-as if FRANCE is a model society. FUCK YOU. Start answering our valid questions.




>WHY wasn't it even mentioned that WE THE PEOPLE can ask corrupt government officials be removed LEGALLY?


but muh enlightenment bro…right.



>Because Q knows we're Christians. He's using the pseudo-mysticism to gain your sympathy


OMG another thinking for themselves!


They are working against ALL of us. the left AND the right. The left has also been programmed by the media and kept on the edge of their seats waiting for something to happen.


>trump won't win

>Trump will be impeached


The second you recognize the programming of the left-you will realize they are victims of this too. The very entity that says THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED did not take the ONE fucking legal remedy available to them to STOP the division. SMITH-MUNDT made it legal to use propaganda against Americans. FAKE NEWS is not illegal. Trump furiously tweets against FAKE NEWS but has not done a damn thing LEGALLY to call them to account. Just mean tweets.


ALL Q has to do is quote the bible, say PRAY and GOD WINS and the Christians melt at his feet. THAT IS ALSO PROGRAMMING. Q AI is using propaganda against ALL of us. That is why Smith-Mundt was never repealled. They have also convinced TRUMP that they are on his side when NOTHING could be further from the truth.

ASK THIS–Trump has made statements FOR forced vaccinations, he has also made statements against them. Do we have to re-elect him to find out what's in the bill?

Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.9471176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1215 >>1239


>Bill is the first shocking arrest.

LOLOLOL Hillary is by far the MOST vile most evil person on this earth and suddenly Q has you looking at Bill. yeah, he's nasty-but HILLARY? LOL but you get all worked up about BIll because Q pointed you there.


Bill Clinton is going to die a "natural" death and because of this post you fuckers are going to believe he was executed when the TRUTH is Hillary can NOT RUN FOR PRESIDENT while Bill is still alive. YOU idiots were convinced John McCain was executed. WTF kind of fucking retards ARE YOU?


Hillary is going to swoop in a contested convention and she can't do that while BILL IS ALIVE. So-when BILL pops his clogs soon-you idiots are going to repost and repost Q proofs and claim Bill was executed. Yeah, but Hillary. That bitch is going to march right up to the podium and make a FOOL out of POTUS "I thought you said you were going to put me in jail"/ Talk about a fucking BOOM. Trump is being set up by Q AI-

Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:30 p.m. No.9471253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1354

>>9468936 (lb)


Why not explain to the class why Trump's first action wasn't asking for the repeal of Smith-Mundt?






Imagine AI manipulating ALL of us right where they want us. Propaganda allowed the LEFT to be endlessly manipulated and RIGHT HERE-it allowed the RIGHT to be endlessly manipulated. I think the reason Smith-Mundt was not repealed is MORE than fucking clear.




WHO is running Q AI


look at you fucking sheep calling a computer "boss" and obeying it's every command. MEANWHILE a corrupt af active DUTY GENERAL is allowing himself to be put forth as a presidential candidate.






Sheriffs have the legal right to arrest corrupt government officials. WHY hasn't Q mentioned that? Wake the fuck up people. We've had the will to change for years-we voted for change. INstead of repealing Smith-Mundt that allows the media to LIE to us, bully us, and MANIPULATE ALL OF US–they reign supreme. WHY IS THAT?


Start asking this fucking computer program some tough questions. Get vague answers.


STAY IN YOUR SEATS. Rally around your local law enforcement who are being sent out to be endlessly attacked and demoralized. DO YOU want to put on the uniform and face that shit at the orders of a corrupt fucking government?


While Bill is still alive his rape shit is problematic because people are going to keep pointing at it and the Epstein stuff-which then leads to Hillary's support for his rapes..if he is dead she is the long suffering widow whose turn it is. Hillary can't run even as VP as long as BILL is alive-so expect to hear that bill has died. CAP THIS-because Q is going to take credit for it. Hillary is going to make sure Bill is out of her way once and for all.

Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.9471380   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OH right I am underestimating the people who have sat on their asses and said YES BOSS WE SURE BE THINKING FOR OURSELVES. Instead of addressing the issues raised to attack ME- noice ad hominen. Trust me I am NOT underestimating you mind controlled bots. Yassa boss yassa. AND 4 years later you are still in your seat. An active duty US ARMY GENERAL is being put forth as a presidential candidate and you're like YESSA BOSS.


Trust me I have not underestimated your stupid. Address the fucking issue.. THINK-why hasn't Smith-Mundt been repealed?

Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:37 p.m. No.9471426   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OH shit–man Q has done a programming number on you.


SEE? DIDN'T I TELL YOU already giving Q credit.


Bill Clinton HAS TO DIE before HILLARY can step up in a brokered convention. Q AI is just fucking stating the fucking obvious and you idiots are going to act like Q AI had something to do with it. LOL Dear Bill-watch what you eat- Hillary really wants to be president.

Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:43 p.m. No.9471544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1590


That is your excuse. The day you realize that the MEDIA has fucked EVERY side of this, manipulated ALL of us is the day you get a gold star. SEE how YOU, programmed bot addressed the issue THEY aka the NORMIES (but not you-never you) have been manipulated but not you- no you're the smart one.


SMITH-MUNDT was not repealed because Q is also fucking propaganda and they would not have legally been able to USE IT AGAINST YOU had Smith-Mundt been repealed. YOU ARE THEM-YOU ARE THE NORMIES. The day you see this-is the day you are finally truly woke.


I have been on 4chan since the /b/ flashing gore days. I was ON 4chan the day q FIRST posted. Q was run the fuck off 4chan for a reason. I have seen EVERY "poof" I have seen you IDIOTS make fools of yourself going around telling people that a man dying of brain cancer was taken to GITMO and executed and neither his wife nor his loud mouthed fat daughter with a television platform said a damn word about it?


CAP this. BILL CLINTON is either already dead or about to eat a salad with a poison mushroom in it that Hillary made because that bitch can't run for president with that millstone around her neckbut NOOOO you'll crow that Q said it. GO LOOK FOR MY FUCKING POSTS FOR 3 YEARS I have said this shit-and Q posts itOHH ALL WE LIKE FUCKING SHEEP.


Yeah and John McStain was executed. When Q says "These people are stupid" do you NOT realize Q AI means YOU?

Anonymous ID: b629f6 June 4, 2020, 2:48 p.m. No.9471672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1710


Look I see Trump. I do not see him as EVIL. I do believe that HE firmly believes that Q AI is on his side. I believe that Q AI has given him plenty of evidence to show that they are. ALL the while working behind his back to UNDERMINE him and create chaos.


The only side Q AI is on-is their own. USHER IN THE TECHNOCRACY.


RV ANON ME..and I am not going to shut the fuck up. This is MY country, MY ancestors–slave, indian and white fought for this place and by OUR blood this great country was born and I'll be fucking damned if I am going to sit silent while and fucking COMPUTER PROGRAM takes over and destroys human freedom once and for all. UNLIKE niggers I am grateful to my slave ancestor for having suffered slavery so that I MAY BE FREE. AND NO FUCKING COMPUTER is going to strip me of this while I draw breath.


AHO MITAKUYE OYASIN (all my relations) if we are all ONE then we had better stand TOGETHER irrespective of BELIEFS and stop saying NO YOU at each other. Q divides us Q does not UNITE us-Q AI told you the truth-except they said THEY instead of WE WANT YOU DIVIDED.