Anonymous ID: 0b9c48 June 4, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.9471774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9471590 (PB)

AHO! If my people kick the feds OFF the rez and stop taking FED money and honestly governed ourselves WE WOULD then be free. The white man hasn't shoved the bottle in our mouths, we did that to ourselves. THE Q AI WILL USE federal rules to FORCE vaccination on our REZ to test vaccines. THEY WANT US DEAD they want us to forget our ways. MY PEOPLE do not accept the "blankets" when they offer them. KICK the feds off the rez, kick the catholic cult churches OFF THE REZ. WE did this to ourselves by accepting their bribe money.


YOU wait and see-they will "test" their poison vaccines on the REZ and force the people to take them because they have gotten in BED with the money. KICK THE FEDS OFF THE REZ!


DAKOTA SIOUX wake up, remember who we are! (((They))) tried to kill every last one of us at Ft. Christiana and have wiped that event out of history the SAME WAY they are trying to wipe out their collaboration in slavery.

Anonymous ID: 0b9c48 June 4, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.9471924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1962 >>1968 >>1982


>Do you hab a moment to be distracted from Lindsay Graham and Senate COUP coverup ?

LOL I was just about to type that question-"why do you think Q is here yesterday today-all day furiously hacking at the keyboard. I started posting the hard questions the other day-and every so often someone stops to think-woah that might be a valid point-so the shepherd has arrived to lead the flock. Amen, god wins, pray.



>Because they enemy argues with lies passed off as truth and patriots counter with facts.


>Disinformation is necessary to force the enemy to overplay their hand and expend ammo.



You realize that you have been and are complicit in the endless lying and propaganda? YOU believe YOU are getting TRUTH and exposing TRUTH-THEY believe the same. HOW is it possible to come together when PROPAGANDA is feeding both sides of the same coin? WAKE UP. Propaganda is being used against you too. ANd you've been programed to auto respond "disinformation is necessary" we have to trick the bad guys.


Let me ask you this–who are the good guys? Do you know? Because I can't point to ONE.

PENCE? Is he a good guy? They got an envelop..

>Matthis? is he a good guy?

>Sessions? a good guy?



WHO THE FUCK ARE THE GOOD GUYS? POINT ME TO ONE that you can say without a doubt is a GOOD GUY without quoting Q. (Fynn is a good guy I personally knew him so HIM I know-good so don't use him find me another fucking GOOD GUY)-Mattis is a fucking queer as corrupt SOB and you idiots CHEERED him like you did KELLY…and believe it or not they can't quite wrap their brains around the FACT that Mattis is a fucking traitor and always has been. WE KNEW THAT…


EVERYONE including Q AI.


I AM NOT A BOT. I am a free American upon the land and I am watching my beautiful country be destroyed in living color while the shepherd herds the flock in the opposite direction.

Anonymous ID: 0b9c48 June 4, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.9472031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2054 >>2112 >>2289


Did you know that the official CANG video cut this part out? Then when called out for kneeling they tried to claim it was a deescalation tactic. RIGHT convince me that the Cuckaforina NG is not 100% fucked by libtards and would defend this country from tyranny..if tyranny is what they are fighting they need to go




OUR MEN IN UNIFORM TAKING THE KNEE…LOL we can't even count on the NG. What about the military bases in the traitor states? WIll the CA gov try to take control of them or do they already have control.


REMEMBER THIS. Obama called in all high ranking military officers and asked them one question

>if ordered to fire on the American people would you do it?


THE AMERICAN officers said NO and were fired, the COMMIE officers said YES and here we all are. Literally infiltrated and surrounded by COMMIES in our OWN miltiary-you think this asshole is the only one?

>muh anon he got fired

No-he fucking got caught.

Anonymous ID: 0b9c48 June 4, 2020, 3:21 p.m. No.9472208   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Woah this guy gets it. KIKES got all worried about Chink influence in Africa so they made pretend frienz with Chinks-chinks aren't stupid tho-they know all about kike influence after all KIKES held Mao's hand while he murdered millions of Chinese. KIKES ran the genocide in Russia-where there is a genocide there is a fucking JEW and we had better fucking wake up. MUH RELIGION…suckers. They play xians like a fine violin-MUH CHOZEN (how hard is it to come out the CHOZEN when you write the book choosing you yourself?


PRAY God wins-holy hell I hope not. INB4Noah.


>No, but there's that viceral fear again.


LOL do you think I am afraid? REALLY? I am directly calling out the most powerful force in the world Q AI. And I don't give a shit. THEY KNOW who I am, they know right where I live-and I am NOT fucking afraid.


LET THEM take me. MY people died for this country we did NOT die for a computer. WE FOUGHT TYRANNY before– my ancestors- a rag tag band of farmers and their LONG GUNS took on the greatest army in the world and we won. MY ancestor suffered at Valley Forge to preserve freedom to resist taxation without representation-he did NOT SUFFER so I can SHUT THE FUCK UP. MY SLAVE ANCESTOR came here and suffered slavery so that I COULD be born in the greatest nation on earth and be free instead of suffering a miserable life in some African SHITHOLE! THANK YOU GRANDMOTHER for the freedom I have. MY NATIVE ANCESTORS served for FREEDOM and my NA family CONTINUE to serve this country-my WHITE ancestors came here to escape the horrors of the Jacobean rebellion…they did this so I can be FREE and I am not going to shut up and sit down while a fucking COMPUTER program tells me shhh 'soka baby everything is ALRIGHT when I can SEE that nothing is right. WHILE I STILL HAVE MY VOICE I am going to speak up.

Anonymous ID: 0b9c48 June 4, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.9472329   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bro we have mentally ill trannies in uniform-Obama gave us the TRANNY the kikes have been working overtime to turn these poor people into bots for them. RIGHT NOW a 5 year old can be given body and life altering drugs because one day he wanted to be a princess…and he can be forcibly removed FROM HIS FAMILY if the parents refuse (see Canada). And here we all are. KIKES did this. The man that wrote the "gender as a social construct" ADMITTED he made up all the research. Harvard aka Israel is holding a symposium of "smart people" to figure out how to stop HOME SCHOOLING. Israel runs this country, they have for decades. WHY is it that KIKES always send in their sons and daughters to court and marry into NONJEWISH wealthy families? Think-start thinking how many uber wealth NON jewish families have had IKES court their sons and daughters and MARRY into them?


LOL right off





anyone else? hello.


MY GOD TRUMP ADORES HIS DAUGHTER as he should..and she loves her husband-as she should..but WTF IS HIS agenda? WTF tey want to run brain dead CHELSEA with her convenient kike husband? Ivanka? same?


Wake up-why do I have HUNDREDS of examples of JEWCHECKMARKS fomenting hate against white people–then turning around saying "I'm not white, I'm Jewish" when the fact is where there is genocide (Russia, China-etc) there are also jews.

Anonymous ID: 0b9c48 June 4, 2020, 3:32 p.m. No.9472363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOL so they say-think about it-this guy got a elected official to recommend him to West Point-he passed all requirements to get in and graduate. HE ONLY GOT CAUGHT because he got arrogant. HOW many traitors are in the military right this minute waiting for the GO signal. THAT WAS ONE–and they actually had to be BROW beaten into discharging him.


YOU CAP THIS_soon you will hear that Bill Clinton has died (naturally of course–but Hillary will have had him removed)..and THEN HILLARY is going to dip into the DEM convention-you just fucking wait for it.