Anonymous ID: d5c1b0 June 4, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.9474872   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Time For Normal People To Take Back Our Country


Our country is hurting. Culturally, as a society and how we relate to each other, we are in the midst of a steep drop, almost a free fall. Race is just one aspect; we are talking past one another, and we are less of a community than I ever recall. If you love this country, the question is how did this happen, and how can we turn it around.


First, we are unmistakably dividing into two or more very distinct subcultures. We eat different foods; we travel and live differently; we consume different media; we live in distinct neighborhoods. Of course, some of this has always been true, but it’s become much more acute, to the point where you would need a translator to communicate between these different Americas. That’s a problem.


The biggest change is the highest-income echelon of our society — where many political and other leaders reside — does not have any clue what America is like. They don’t understand Middle America, and they certainly don’t understand lower-income America. This group flies private and lives in isolated cocoon communities; their social circles are defined, and their private clubs shelter them from the rest. They don’t go to Disney World, and if they did, they would have private guides to escort them through, without lines and without dealing with the other visitors.


This separation has policy implications. It took nearly 20 years of suffering before people in this upper echelon even knew our country had an opioid epidemic. The Sackler family that had a huge — but not exclusive — role in fueling that epidemic was still feted for their good deeds and charitable acts only a few years ago. The one time our government dealt with the opioid issue during those 20 years was a law passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama that made it harder for regulators to go after companies for distributing these deadly drugs. They weren’t horrible people. They just had no clue what was going on.


Second, there is no longer a moral or ethical limit on behavior. The Jeffrey Epstein child rape story is emblematic of where we are. Epstein was allowed to abuse young girls from poor families for two decades while protected by some of America’s top institutions and leaders. The FBI reportedly received information on Epstein as early as the mid-1990s but did nothing. Vanity Fair, one of our most established media outlets, was told the same but did nothing. Local police who tried their hardest to put Epstein in jail say they were harassed and overruled by political superiors.