Anonymous ID: 15a504 June 4, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.9475561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5642 >>5644 >>5892

Think about this guise:


How could we the people, the President, the patriots, the government and we the people and ever expose and know all the destoyer, treasonous, traitorous and evil people in our society, including in business, universities, towns, cities, state government, all non profit organizations, Hollywood, social media, the federal government, the military, for profit companies and multi national corporations, three letter agencies, the unknown agencies, the unions, the lawyers guilds and organization, every teacher down through kindergarten & preschool, in banks, social media, Wall Street, drug makers, drug traffickers, the CDC, the NIH, the AMA, law enforcement etc, that basically have been in every aspect of our lives and brainwashed our nation and our people that we must believe, they are only working for the good for citizens! Except by an event like this!


Their whole goal was to destroy and profit off of us and what we stand for, FREEDOM. It could only be an event like this, an uprising of souls (many many good souls), protesting to see the dichotomy. They could never understand it any other way


Now what this has brought into the public view is every single person from every single company or agency, country, etc. stated above, shouting on social media, I’m all for the destruction of America, cloaked with the veil of black lives matter, that injustice has always been part of America; all the plotters of the insurrection, the treason was, the subversives, the corrupt, etc. Etc. Etc.


They Came out of the fucking dark and exposed themselves


These fools including Obama, Biden, politicians, all the professors, all the corporate heads, all the world leaders, etc. have exposed who they are, by their rage and fury and fake injustice; and I guarantee those in charge are taking names, tracking, locating and making plans.


We couldn’t have known all these names and people and the legion they are, without this. They have no idea what they have done, made everyone’s jobs a lot easier


Thank you assholes for playing!

We didn’t cause this crisis, you did, but you just had to brag and rant about it didn’t you


Now comes the PAIN! Make it so Q+ and Q and all who work with you. Do it NOW!


I know a lot of run on sentences, but I wanted to get this out before the true AHA moment passed by for me. This could have been a lot longer, but I think you get the point!