Anonymous ID: 9891ed June 4, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.9475810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5902 >>6043

A lesson on how they use your emotions to control you


1:45:43, couldn't get embed to work.


Check out what's happening here. Hawley goes off on a tirade about how the application was full of errors, omissions, and LIES. He then goes on to say how the FISC can't trust the FBI. Then he tries to act like it's RR's fault. Well listen to his response. Hawley admitted himself that the application was full of LIES so he's basically insinuating that RR somehow KNEW that they were LIES or he has some sort of super power that he can tell that text on a piece of paper is a lie or something. The Attorney General (which RR was acting as at the time) is only supposed to verify PROCEDURE was followed. What is RR supposed to do when he gets this application that has been SIGNED OFF ON and VERIFIED by the correct agents and departments? Is he just supposed to assume that every single warrant application that comes across his desk that has been verified by the FBI agents, under penalty of perjury, is all a lie? This Hawley guy is using classic Democrat tactics. He talks over RR even though the shit he's saying is false. First it's him saying that RR said he didn't read the application which isn't what RR said. He read back the transcript and basically disproved his own point but just rolled on ahead like it was true. Then it was the "oh you just don't want responsibility huh" AFTER RR already said he was accountable. They use your lack of knowledge of federal procedure to control the narrative.


Do you think it's a coincidence that there are multiple D MSM outlets and only one R MSM outlet? Have you ever heard of something called Controlled Opposition? Why is Paul Ryan on the board of FOX? Why is FOX News focusing on blasting RR instead of the people who LIED to him? FOX is still MSM. If you aren't careful, you might wake up one day realizing there's no functional difference in how you and the left process information and form beliefs.

Anonymous ID: 9891ed June 4, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.9476018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6090


Get off this research board or make a rebuttal you fucking normie piece of shit. Did you even read what I posted? Did you even take the time or are you so certain in your beliefs that you don't have to even consider the possibility that they might be wrong? Or do you just have nothing but ad hominem? Hmmm who else uses ad hominem when they can't make arguments for their beliefs…Oh yeah fucking liberals that's right.

Anonymous ID: 9891ed June 4, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.9476202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, so you have nothing. That's basically what I thought. You really are a fucking normie aren't you. It's hilarious you think this is someone being worked up, you think too highly of yourself. You're saying I'm new here and still haven't posted an actual argument. You're a fucking moran.