Anonymous ID: b399f9 June 4, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.9475542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5673

>>9475508 (lb)

LOL I told you last year that China had enemies within.


CHINA, RUSSIA, USA against ISRAEL. is the only thing you idiots remember shit that runs out of Q AI's computer ass?


Russia and factions within China helped the USA take out the Israeli DEW satellite.


CCP is on their last days-but who will free the minds of the people? WHO will free the minds of Americans?

Anonymous ID: b399f9 June 4, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.9475673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5699 >>5735 >>5798 >>5923


Who is trolling who? Serious question. INB4 has made better drops than Q not coded and things that actually happened-just saying. Is this intended to create joy and elation among the leftards or depression and angst among-or both for both?


BTW I don't hang here usually. 4chan is my home. Censored tho we are-that's where the smart people hang-you know where you can disagree and fight tooth and nail without the sheep baaaaing "SHILL FILTERED".



It's always someone other than you.



brah there are few people left on earth that actually believe Trump picked Pence. Try posting with the christards who would follow satan to hell as long as he waved a bible at them and said PRAY GOD WINS…smart people saw Pence get an envelope–but holy shit don't mention it here it was sending the xians into spasms because Pence loves jesus. (and is a traitor I guess).



OMG another invisible virtual battle online. SO deadly. Rally the troops to tweet back. (do you know how fucking stupid ALL of you sound?)

Anonymous ID: b399f9 June 4, 2020, 6:30 p.m. No.9475923   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>The Tsar abdicated in February, by October the JEWISH bolsheviks took over.


just sayin' and yeah /pol/ is treating this as an epic troll.

Anonymous ID: b399f9 June 4, 2020, 6:33 p.m. No.9475997   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Q confirming the George Floyd death was staged??

CHINA/ISRAEL ANY TIME there is CHINK involvement in shit like this know that their government controls them-even if they are born and raised in another country-Chinks have their fingers on the family. Chinks hate niggers and know they are predictably easy to make riot.

Anonymous ID: b399f9 June 4, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.9476043   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>A lesson on how they use your emotions to control you

I have been saying this for three days. The left has been mindfucked every bit as much as we have.

Anonymous ID: b399f9 June 4, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.9476224   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bro-I've known OBAMA was behind all this the second he fired Admiral Rodgers. (not to mention all the other loyal patriot high level officers).


HOW do you plan to explain to NIGGERS (I don't mean black people) that their KING is a criminal just like they are and his "wife" has a dick? I don't think you truly understand-NIGGERS will never ever accept this. They will say it is TRUMP racism and refuse to believe ANYTHING. If they go after Obama there is going to be a CHIMP OUT that will destroy this country-finish us off. Black Americans-good people who suffer from NIGGERS as much as anyone else-yeah they'll get it-they are not stupid. But if they speak up and stand up? Niggers will destroy them too.


First Black President-and predictable the first president to go to jail? Holy shit bro-think about that. Obama looked and sounded like SHIT in his presser using TRIGGER words to rile the nigs…BLACK PEOPLE are not niggers..they don't CHIMP OUT..they too will feel betrayed and let down (especially if the fake wife and kids comes out). I can't imagine how they plan to stop the chimp out. I am without a doubt 100% sure there are mountains of evidence. But I think you are asking way too much from people who can barely speak English (let alone read), and automatically obey anyone that puts a rock in their hands and says KILL WHITEY.