Bands at comet ping pong
What kind of library would think it was a good idea to have Xochi Mochi (transgender dragula Satanist) read to the children?
Of course…Michelle Obama's
Podesta emails using pedo code words
Creeps kept asking for President Trump's taxes before. How about we see Podesta's taxes for his "hot dog stand" in Hawaii? What politician has time for a hot dog stand? He considers himself so gourmet….hot dogs.
This is wikileaks on the Podesta gang pool party at Tamera Luzzatto's (Grand Tam) farm. She had been selling her grandkids on her website, Evie's Crib. These kids were Uber'd to her house as entertainment for the pool party (people were told to bring sweaters in case its chilly). She also pimped out the neighbor Jack
Soros is very interested/involved with Ukraine (as show by wikileaks). I think,it is Biden's son that now sits on the board of a huge oil company there
Also can expose the farms they go to and the children sent there. Sad though but hard hitting