Anonymous ID: c4f02e June 4, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.9477499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7587 >>7724

I’ve been stewing for a bit over the Barr presser. In a nutshell, blacks are being biased against by law enforcement and Barr and accomplices kowtowed to that narrative. What about Patriots? Ever since the 2016 election (and during Obunghole’s years) we have been attacked, pummeled and humiliated for being patriotic or supporting Trump. Police never aided rally attendees attacked by Antifa and brainwashed sheep. We fear for our personal property/safety if we display a USA flag or MAGA sticker. I’ve had my car vandalized because of my veteran plates and blacks are the ones fearing for their safety? There is more bias against patriotic citizens than any other category in the current political system yet we have to pander to the narrative that blacks are suppressed by LEO’s? More whites are shot by LEO’s than blacks. Blacks kill more whites than vice versa. I know it’s a narrative, but it’s dominating every aspect critical to my free will and ability to earn a living and support my family. My work environment allows even the most minor comment to be construed as an act of aggression because I am white. It doesn’t matter if there is a multitude of evidence supporting the fact that the person is not capable of doing the job they were hired for- if they are non-white, non-male it is completely my fault for stating they are not performing at acceptable levels. If I want to keep my job and earn my retirement, I have to endure endless training and conference calls on how I (as a white) am responsible for every imaginable problem existing in the workplace environment and society today. Where is “All men are created equal?” What about hiring people based on qualifications rather than skin color or sexual orientation? I know I’m ranting, but this shit has got to stop.

I’m not concernfagging- just blowing off steam at all this bullshit so I can get back to digging.