Pig didn’t like seeing NG taking a knee, not at all. Submissive scene isn’t it, or is it? Use logic. THINK. Pig thinks the knee taking is a possible GIMME and strategic move.
See this article from the Iraq War. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-calm-colonels-strategic-victory/
The NG can kick ass and take names, especially against civilians, even civilians with bricks. FACT.
The crowds are split into two entities, professional rioters and whipped up sheep. The professional rioters are Communist/Facist Antifa, looking for violent over throw, mainliners. The sheep are sleeping/cowed Americans, pissed, but not mainliners. Americans weren’t setting fires, girl tossing bricks, and looting. Antifa was. How many of each set? Let’s just say it’s 50% Antifa -50% Sheep.
What happened when the NG took a knee at a point of high tension, during the day? Multiple things.
NOTE: The NG didn’t retreat one inch. Notice that?
One was a photo-op for the Fake News to plaster all over media, strengthening Antifa and emboldening them. Another was pissed off patriots, seeing such a thing, resolving in a position and removing doubts. Enough is enough mentality.
Yet another, was some sheep seeing the NG wasn’t using their power to crush them, actually, in a way agreeing with them that they have a bitch, but are there only doing their job to stop looting, humanizing themselves to the crowd. Sheep and normies not there at the moment also saw this. Kind of like can’t we all get along.
If the NG would have escalated, this early in the game, what would happen? Escalation beyond repair and really bad victimization propaganda to be used by Antifa.
How many sheep got what they wanted? Recognition for gripes? 25%? The sheep crowd decreases at night, the Antifa crowd grows at night. Willing to bet, the 25% of the sheep got what they wanted and won’t be back tomorrow. In the mean time, they will watch streets burn at night and start to ask why, after they got what they wanted. Normies at home watching just might be thinking the same.
Was that a 25% decrease in force for Antifa? POSSIBLE? Was there an equal decrease in support with Normies and fence sitters? Taking a knee won’t increase Antifa ranks, it will only embolden what they have. Not a force multiplier.
Ever been in a bar and the smallest, drunkest, yappy dog wants to kick your ass so (YOU) buy him a beer and befriend him? Kicking his ass would make for bad sport and make (YOU) a bully, like picking on a retard, or picking on sheep.
Sheepdogs don’t do that. Sheepdogs kill wolves. Misinformed, pissed off American citizens aren’t wolves.
Sacrifice a pawn here and there and eliminate the power pieces. The American people ARE the power pieces. Then go for the King. Antifa needs sheep, maybe the NG stole part, not all, but part of their flock. Thought of that? If not, are patriots any worse off? The NG gave them a chance. Plenty of time for killing, but attempt to degrade the enemy first with the hearts and minds of the American people. If that isn’t the situation, all a soldier and patriots got was a dirty knee. The only one….the GIMME. Pride will come after their defeat, and it is coming.
For patriots seeing those knee shows, it created anger and resolve, a force multiplier. Patriots gave them a chance, even though they have no chance. Patriots can claim to God they did all they could, including showing humility and patience to the misdirected sheep, but not to heart with Fascists. There is power, unity, and greatness in humility. Look for it, the Good Book explains it.
THINK. Want to bring out an enemy (Antifa/Deep State) so they break cover and attack for real? Feign weakness (knee), which they will take as an opportunity, while patriots fully know there is no negotiating with fanatics. Embolden them with confidence. Those pukes believe their propaganda. Let them. Then crush them when they move. Their “supporter” sheep army will be partially gone because they aren’t fanatics. Antifa won’t notice the sheep are gone until it’s too late, because they are emboldened and don’t care for sheep. Let God sort them out.
Pig doesn’t care one way or the other if Anons agree or disagree. Pig says what Pig thinks and only cares that people THINK and come to their own conclusions. Pig is Pig and has a pen to attack, and a gun to defend.
Watch it again.