Anonymous ID: fe666b June 5, 2020, 3:48 a.m. No.9482535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the form of discouragement shills is always a small two phrase sentence.

the first is a non substantiated statement of conjecture that paints a grim picture, the second a statement of discouragement as if folks aren't up to tackle whatever problem it is that is made up int he first part of the statement.

and then if you call them they will attack you with one of their scripts. One of the favs is 'what have done for Q' or 'you aren't doing enough for Q' or 'why can't you show me how much you do for Q' and bullshit like that.


and then if you call them on bringing their porn here they have two things they do: 1. try to come on toyou.

2 other times they say what a prude you are. Why shouldn't they be allowed to do their masturbation rituals in full view of the chan and it's never enough to tell them to go do it on their own time and never bring it here.


but the worst are the ones who put up these horid hormoned up hairless freak slave girls, (who have no hair, like a skinless rat) and they are all puffed up (don't know howt hey do that) and they have that look of "I am jexibel and you will kill for me" and then they talk about them as if they are show horses, as if they know their qualities. That to me is the height of the cringe.


then if you say something 'don't you like . . . are you . . . ' and it's just so creepy.


and you say '95 percent of who is here when Q is gone are these cringe bots.


and now we have the shill bot that's the voice of the evil villian dueing dominance banter at the end of the comic book quality. that part of the monie where they make the effects sound like there are giant caverns and it's an endgame boss level and . . . the heroes might loose. so the discouragment shill will do the red text Ha ha ha and say something that is boastfull and ridiculous.

He's a boss level guy? He's doing his 'evil king pin banter' and all of it in a shitpost and you're supposed to take him seriously.

It's peanut gallery behavior for the members of the losing team.


Oh, and remind them: What did Trump do that makes it so bad that you think it's OK to burn down DC?