Dear shills posting anti-Jew shill code, and this includes Jews posting anti-Jew shill code.
It's not going to work.
It hasn't worked for years.
Do you see what is happening?
Race war has failed.
Antifa exposed.
The world is united.
The Q movement has transcended all races, religions, and classes.
Pics and video evidence prove this.
All of the tRuMp iS hItLeR shill code, all of the rEaL aNoNs lOvE hItLeR shill code, all of the mUhJoO shill code, it's all fake, it's all designed for one purpose, to weaken the people. To divide them.
To all of you Jews, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, posting anti-Jew, anti-White, anti-Black, anti-Hispanic and anti-Asian shill code, I still love the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of good Jews, good Whites, good Blacks, good Hispanics and good Asians.
The satan worshipers trying and failing to divide the people are seeing justice so close that the panic response is to fall for yet another trap set by POTUS/Q.
Military head fake worked on all of you low IQ dumb fucks.
Armed Federal Agencies will be the ones taking down pantifa.