Thanks Baker. ON IT TODAY fren.
Q+ KEEP UP THE TWEET BARAGE. Put them on shaky ground early. If they want PR let them EARN every second of it.
President Trump and the non traitors of the US Senate ( look at Q+ RT's to find them) are ROCK SOLID. The Joint Chiefs and Q+ are ROCK SOLID.
They're executing their plan z.
We've heard what antifa is going to do this weekend. We know what the Fake News is going to do this weekend. We know what the fake Dems are going to do this weekend.
We haven't heard SHIT about what the US Military and Q+ is going to do this weekend.
It's almost unfairโฆ Kek
Those messages weren't for you. They were to embolden the enemy.
Kek. Lost a sip of coffee there.
Notice all the trolls are gone (except for a few black ops)?
All hands on deck in DC this weekend.
It's the bolsheviks. It's always been the bolsheviks. Bolsheviks are satan worshipers and on earth demons that raise evil governments to power, raise evil demons to power and in general try to blot God out of this realm by any means possible.
In DC this weekend, once again it will be the bolsheviks, the ones that destroyed Russia, keep the mideast in flames and killed Christ.
In Christ's day they were called the 'Sanhedrin'. In 1917 they were called the 'bolsheviks'. In 2020 we call them Antifa or 'EU', but it's all the same - Satan worshipers trying to drive God from this realm.
How can you not love this guy as your leader?
It is time to contrast POTUS accomplishments with Dem calls to riot.
Black America is waking up.
Charles Manson - "My goal is to incite a race war between the whites and blacks and once they all kill each other to rule whatever is left."
Doesn't that sound like the Dem Plan currently on the table?
This is about the funniest thing I've ever seen. Antifa from all over America is currently in transit to DC and they want us to drop all the defenses.
Dear Mr. President, Our fighters can't breathe with the US Military kicking the shit out of them. Can you please get them out of the City so our Antifa heroes can break baseball bats over defenseless people's heads in our drive to take control of Federal Buildings and breech the White House?
We're entitled to burn down our own city if we want to so get out of the way Orange Man.
There, I fixed the 'flow' of the letter.
This is what Q+ should be tweeting instead of those self aggrandizing Senators.