>Night [4]
>Increase in chatter.
>Auth B19-2.
>Sparrow Red.
>Prevent at all costs.
I went and looked up B19-2 after reading this. There aren't very many hits for this specific search pattern. This is what little I found.
>https:// books.google.com/books?id=cUjtCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA193&lpg=PA193&dq=%22B19-2%22&source=bl&ots=eNuhA-51wr&sig=7URotCPSaIEDPD5dNY-RR5U61fs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKlomQl6raAhVPRK0KHQpjBsU4ChDoAQhoMA4#v=onepage&q=%22B19-2%22&f=false
Looks like some kind of chemical element. I'm not good at chem, so if there's a chemistryanon somewhere, can you see what this is?
>https:// www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/b19-2-first-snow
Baby clothes with a lot of babies in it.
>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP-2qkQPC8w
Some weird Arab comedy. I don't understand any Arabic, so if there's an Arabicspeakinganon somewhere, a translation may be helpful.
>https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78T04759A007500010019-5.pdf
A CIA document referring to SAM site B19-2 in Szczecin, Poland, dated 1967.
>https:// www.iae.lt/en/en/news/press-releases/2017/09/26/b19-2-facility-site-handed-over-contractor/
An Italian nuclear plant being handed over to what looks like a Russian (?) company.
>https:// www.cnet.com/products/fujitsu-scenicview-b19-2-lcd-monitor-19/specs/
An old Fujitsu monitor.
>https:// www.trulia.com/p/oh/brunswick/1250-roundtable-ct-b19-2-brunswick-oh-44212–2232699246
Lastly, a home in Ohio.
That's after four pages of Google searching. I'll keep digging.