Good/evil is objective
Right/Wrong is subjective
Correct; who is to say pedos/murderers are evil? Some say it is right, some it is wrong.
Who is the judge?
The point is; we all are. Those who strive to make the right choices find themselves in an ever-increasingly righteous world. Those who strive not for these things descend into a world of lawlessness.
This same lawlessness forces individuals to introspect and come out with a better sense of what is right/wrong. Just like God instructed Noah to build his ark prior to the "flood", we all descend into lawlessness and become surrounded by wickedness.
But "the storm"; the very storm that God uses to expel wickedness is the same storm that lifts up the righteous into a higher state of being.
In this way "good" is a product of "evil" and they are actually one thing. This is why Jesus taught one must make the two one.
This "storm" we are witnessing is like (is) the flood of Noah - not literally, but figuratively/spiritually/symbolically. And so we must all build our own arks in our own minds and ride it out; allow the impure (by twos = good/evil) and pure (by sevens) to come with us as we work out the struggle within ourselves.