Imagefag here, had some time to look through these images a little more carefully.
Will share a few observations:
Ch2, 3, 11, 15, and 16 all seem to feature women wearing white tops and shorts. Since these would all be the same second of video, I find it interesting that so many similarly-dressed women are in this place. See yellow boxes. Handlers?
Ch2 - a woman wearing a white top, black belt, white shorts and sandals; appears to be standing in front of a high table or counter.
Ch3 - dark-haired woman leaning on something with her elbow. Could be a display case? A shop counter? I can't tell if it is lit from within. Are those…heads? Really difficult to say.
Ch11 - Random woman also in white top and shorts.
Ch15 - Woman in white standing in front of several tween-age children. They kind of look naked, but difficult to say.
Ch 16 - At first I thought this was the same room, different angle. But this woman seems to have a V-neck shirt, and maybe these children are seated.
———- the children pics ———-
Ch 6 - upper left of the pic we see a seated kid, with another bucket next to him. Lower left turns out to be a girl wearing a skirt, looking down from above. The kids are doing something with their hands.
Ch10 - some sharpening filter, exposure correction, and saturation applied. Lower left we see two kids sitting on
buckets, bent over something working. Middle pic, three kids facing away from us, the left one appears to have a grayish tank top, the middle one a bluish dress. On the far side of the table, facing us, appear to be 5 or 6 kids. There is the 'head' there hanging off the end of the table. But behind the head is a seated kid who i didn't see before. She has dark hair and is looking down, so we don't see her face. The dead man's head may just be her knee and the bucket she is sitting on, hard to say. There are several more seated kids all in a row, and they all seem to be wearing clothes in this enhancement. All of them are doing something on the table. Something red. Standing in the middle are what look like two adults, facing away from us and working with some machine maybe. Or, possibly interacting with a third adult.
My theory is the dominant rectangular features on the walls in these pics are two-way glass, rather than windows or paintings. But that is speculation.