ID: 65c203 June 5, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.9486187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can't believe the poor response to Gottlieb! The musical.


So far.


This is broadway bound babies. Sure it's only been four minutes but that's plenty of time for word of a once in a lifetime opportunity to rock the world of show biz AND the world of finance. Gottlieb! (the musical) is an apocalyptic opportunity!


  • where is Scott Rudin when he's needed?


don't want to mention any names, but we have someone pretty special in mind for our lyricist.Pretty much settled on Aeons for Peons as the opening number, but keeping an open mind. Suggestions will be disdainfully accepted.


For anon Productions

ID: 65c203 June 5, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.9486234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Entertainment" is a general term. We might say “that which fascinates.” Entertainment can make us happier, smarter and better and more tolerant, or, in the hands of advertisers or our enemies, can be used to terrorize, confuse and divide us. The power of entertainment to transform society is enormous. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was a powerful emotional narrative that resulted in more humane treatment and eventual emancipation of the African slave population.

We propose to use the same mechanism, dramatic entertainment, and the same platforms and technologies, to distribute a spectrum of entertainment to remediate the damage cause by decades adverse IO. In the short term to provide reliable information and to offer reassurance and a hopeful vision of future.


As Wilson Bryan Key put it back in the 80s, “In spite of the evidence presented, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is now driving every larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors. “


Repairing our common cognitive capacity means dealing with significant levels of damage to neurological function amounting to PTSD. SEX and DEATH images perceived by the unconscious exert unseen influence distorting our collective worldview and inhibiting discernment by the inappropriate linkage of emotion and symbols or ideas.

British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined[induced] by external events [implanted suggestions] over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception p 322

Hypnotic induction technique targeting the unconscious component of mind impact all of the areas listed below.

1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual thresholds

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality

The list of subliminal effects powerfully demonstrates how humans can be programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media. Bluntly, Key said, "Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.”

The US public has had decades of exposure to subliminals and years of exposure to acute phase Information Operations conducted by satanic cultists deep state media complex in defense of economic privilege and to forward satanic cultists commercial and political objectives.

An IW or Information War objective is to defeat enemies without kinetic conflict. Explicit and implicit, passive and active, to promote what is harmful and avoid, ignore, or destroy healthy organic growth. Social subversion tactics have the objective of “crashing” the civilization. These tactics attack cognitive capacity, promote binary thinking, create false divisions, exacerbate existing social inequities and gradually constrict public vocabulary, introducing subliminally active masonic “occult” material like "Catcher in the Rye" written by pedophile JD Salinger, into high school or grade school curricula.

“Young people are commercially managed into group identifications, values and behaviors under pretense these are individualized preferences. Much of this consumer conditioning is engineered via popular arts and culture, which derive from advertising and marketing promotion, “ Wilson Bryan Key noted in the early 80s.

Other subversive tactics include the use of prepared coordinated media campaigns to manipulate popular belief, often in conjunction with staged, traumatic public events such as bloody terrorist attacks, political assassinations to create or exacerbate existing racial, religious or cultural divisions among populations, engendering false polarities.

The propagation of fictitious narratives in news media, the use of subliminal image systems, subsonic "whisper" technology and symbolic language to attack components of mind below the threshold of conscious awareness causes progressive cumulative damage. We become to stupid to understand what is happening to us.

ID: 65c203 June 5, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.9486494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Information Poisoning is found throughout nature. Organisms exploit perceptual biases to evade and deceive predators or to attract prey; some species, like ours, practice deception on many levels.

The Paussid or “ant’s nest” beetle forges chemical signals which blinds the ants, its prey, to the beetle’s presence among them. The Paussid beetle eats the ant’s children and lays its eggs in worker's bodies which it paralyses an injected toxin which it also manufactures.

Predators exploit perceptual deficiencies of prey, or of host civilizations, they are parasitic on.


Predators can be of the same species, or as with the Paussid beetles, they may create the appearance of being so.


Normally we consider the eye reliable. Unless there is a reason to suspect forgery, we’re usually willing to accept the signal we receive from our eyes, even when it comes over a known insecure, anonymous network like the internet. Could our enemies employ similar tactics?


If you care to look..


Note that the Paussid beetle injects false information to deceive the ants by synthesizing their chemical language. Ants see the world as chemical "scents" and the Passidae are living organic chem labs, able to synthesize many chemicals, not just to make themselves invisible to ants, but to make the ants voluntarily work for them remaining blind to their own exploitation by the enemies living in their midst.


Entertainment media content is used the same way and for the same reason - to conceal the presence and the activities of predatory parasites living among us, many in positions of great trust and responsibility.

ID: 65c203 June 5, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.9486509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An anon did this sterling work last year:


Chronological Picture of: [C_A] - Development, Installation & Implementation of (WW) Social Media Surveillance Network.

(Note) - This (Overview) uses the understanding from Q drops that there has been a "Civil War" running (Within) the USA (IC).

[C_A + DS] Traitors selling out the USA & Sabotaging Patriot efforts within (MILINT) & (NSA).

And Rogue [C_A] Elements - Building a (Digital Spy Network - Integrated with Big Tech & Social Media)

(Rough Timeline Chronology) → Most info is Open Source - Assemble the Pieces & it's like "Soft" Disclosure.

  • (Nov 9, 2011) - Wolfcreek-Angelfire v1.0 - rev.1.0 = User Manual date. Plus the other malware spy tools being discussed as the possible (Keystone).

  • (Jan 2013) - Eric Schmidt (GOOG) + Bill Richardson (WJC - Energy Sec.) Trip to NK to Set Up = Electronic Spy Server Facility?

  • (May 2013) - Snowden skips out with (CLAS - NSA) data and "Spills the Beans" so to speak. (NSA) appeared to be the target of his leaks but not the [C_A].

  • (Jun/Jul 2014)

(Jun) - CIA Eyes Amazon Web Services Cloud Platform Deployment by Summer.

(Jul) - CIA to Roll Out Amazon Cloud Platform in Summer.

  • (Oct 1, 2015) - [C_A] Forms new = [DDI] Directorate for Digital Innovation

  • James O. Brennan picks = CIA Deputy Director Andrew Hallman to head it.

→ Effective (Oct 2015) = [C_A] Has its own [Digital Surveillance Network]. Under its (Sole Control) Focus = Social Media.

(Spring 2016) - Couple of articles describing the interface between the [C_A] + [Big Tech - Social Media]


The CIA is getting serious about monitoring social media.

Yet among the 38 previously undisclosed companies receiving In-Q-Tel funding, the research focus that stands out is social media mining and surveillance; the portfolio document lists several tech companies pursuing work in this area, including Dataminr, Geofeedia, PATHAR, and TransVoyant.

Those four firms, which provide unique tools to mine data from platforms such as Twitter, presented at a February “CEO Summit” in San Jose sponsored by the fund, along with other In-Q-Tel portfolio companies.


The new Directorate for Digital Innovation resulted from the technological explosion of connectivity and data among devices, sensors and people.

Helmed by Deputy Director Andrew Hallman, the new entity is a result of big data – the technological explosion of connectivity and data among devices, sensors and people – and the CIA’s wish to make sense of it all.


Put that knowledge, described above and revealed by Q yesterday, together with what we discovered in 2017.

(NYT - Nov. 12, 2017)

Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core

A serial leak of the agency’s cyberweapons has damaged morale, slowed intelligence operations and resulted in hacking attacks on businesses and civilians worldwide.

Current and former agency officials say the Shadow Brokers disclosures, which began in August 2016, have been catastrophic for the N.S.A., calling into question its ability to protect potent cyberweapons and its very value to national security.


  • Notice = (which began in August 2016)


See the progression of events (2011 - 2017)?

ID: 65c203 June 5, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.9486717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Contagious psychogenic illness or psychic epidemics.


Human social behavior is imitated, and most social conventions, mannerisms and habits are acquired by imitation in early adult, childhood or infancy. Social imitation is morally agnostic, and imitated behavior can be a harmless mannerisms or dangerous, irrational, genocidal or self-destructive acts. Contagious self-replicating psychogenic illness are an unrecognized factor in human social behaviors and can be induced by IW tactics.


Latahism is usually described as a Malaysian "culture bound" phenomena. Some social scientists believe imitative behaviors in latahs are related to the "startle response" as seen in Tourette's syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Lawrence Osborne wrote in the New York Times magazine, “The startle reflex is a universal one. When we are jolted by surprise, we tend to scream, shout obscenities or make involuntary gestures. And some of us are a lot jumpier than others. But with latahs, as sufferers are known, these reactions become prolonged to an extreme degree. In Malay village life, people who are susceptible to such exaggerated reactions are deliberately provoked further – through furtive pokes in the ribs or tin pots thrown behind their backs – to induce a frenzied startle-trance. Over time, latahs become so sensitive that trances can be triggered by a falling coconut. [Source: Lawrence Osborne, New York Times magazine, May 6, 2001 ++]

A far higher percentage of human behavior is imitation and experienced subjectively as free choice. "One puzzling characteristic of culture-bound syndromes is that they often take the form of social epidemics. In other words, instead of being physiologically rooted in every afflicted individual, some syndromes can be infectious in a purely mental way.


What starts the chain of infection? In the case of latah…as awareness of the affliction permeated the culture, the disease spread through social mimicry. [Source: Lawrence Osborne, New York Times magazine, May 6, 2001 ]


Loud noises trigger the phenomena in a way very similar to "shock induction" a mass hypnosis technique that exploits the extreme receptivity to hypnotic suggestion in the immediate wake of a collectively traumatic event such as 9/11.


The latah phenomena is one example of a contagious mental illness there are hundreds of other, similar induced contagious illnesses not confined to any cultural or geographic area.


“…syndromes very like latah, Geertz reported, existed in several other cultures as well. In rural parts of the Philippines, for instance, a nearly identical condition known as mali-mali is widespread. In Siberia, there is a hyperstartle complex known as myriachit, while in Thailand it is known as baah-ji and in Japan, imu. In the 1930's, scholars made a curious film about hyperstartling among the Ainu, an ethnic minority in northern Japan. The faded reels show Ainu women being startled, waving their arms like windmills and running around in a frenzy. Are these all hyperstartle complexes different forms of latah, Geertz asked, or were they all unique syndromes?


It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, as in latah-phenomena, and use it to create unconscious self-replicating social behaviors for purposes of marketing or social control.

The phenomena is currently being exploited by groups interested in controlling human social and economic behavior. Can you find five legacy media examples?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, as in latah-phenomena, and use it to create unconscious self-replicating social behaviors in a culture – for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It seems highly unlikely such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation would be ignored by people interested in controlling human social and economic development. NSA hints that we share this planet with several "alien" species. Perhaps pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears to us but a cultivated cultural medium which permits the rapid transmission of ideas and behaviors more sophisticated than a startle response?


“Indeed, the power of culture to propagate mental illness has become a subject of increasing fascination in the West. In recent years, scholars have seen mysterious maladies proliferate in a way that echoes the spread of latah. Multiple-personality disorder, for example, flourished among white, middle-class American women in the 1980's. And more recently, American and European psychologists have begun tracking apotemnophilia – a new, disturbing condition in which sufferers desire to amputate one of their own limbs. The Internet, medical anthropologists say, is helping spread the condition globally. As with latah, there is no cure."


There may well be "a cure," or a way to impede the spread of these illnesses but nobody has looked!

ID: 65c203 June 5, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.9486940   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Project MKUltra

U.S. Army and CIA interrogation manuals

United States President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States

Psychic driving

CIA MKULTRA Collection

Although the CIA insists that MKUltra-type experiments have been abandoned, some CIA observers say there is little reason to believe it does not continue today under a different set of acronyms. 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MKUltra was abandoned a "cover story.”

>Victor L. Marchetti, Jr. (born December 23, 1929) is a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and a prominent paleoconservative critic of the United States Intelligence Community and the Israel lobby in the United States.

Paul Robeson

“Paul Jr. believed that his father's health problems stemmed from attempts by CIA and MI5 to "neutralize" his father. He remembered that his father had had such fears prior to his prostate operation. He said that three doctors treating Robeson in London and New York had been CIA contractors, and that his father's symptoms resulted from being "subjected to mind depatterning under MKULTRA", a secret CIA program. Martin Duberman claimed that Robeson's health breakdown was probably brought on by a combination of factors including extreme emotional and physical stress, bipolar depression, exhaustion and the beginning of circulatory and heart problems. "[E]ven without an organic predisposition and accumulated pressures of government harassment he might have been susceptible to a breakdown."”

Frank Olson

He was drugged with LSD by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and nine days later plunged to his death from the window of a New York hotel room, in what some term a suicide and others allege was an assassination by the CIA

Harold Blauer

…an American tennis player who died as a result of injections of 450 mg 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (code-named EA-1298) as part of Project MKULTRA, a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence.

Donald Ewen Cameron

William Sargant