Anon, be sensible. Yes, haircuts can be bad. But whatever the results, it's not disgusting (even if yr female and i'm not gonna ask).
Acosta looks better with MASK ON.
brain shave came first.
Nobody's perfect and things are tough right now. Time heals a lot, so do a dozen roses.
You are right. For better or worse, most people are still gonna go with the majority. The rioting should push more independents and old-style liberals away from the radical fringe. When it does, others will follow.
Q movement is not racist, shills just want to make it look that way. Identifying with one's race - either for negative or positive - is based on a very superficial view of what matters. Let the left embrace identity politics, they can have it!
I doubt the name "Jim Bridger" is the poster's. Unless mine is Davy Crockett.
Your stats may be correct (IDK) but why not place the lion's share on the DS, where it belongs? Blacks are just one of its victim groups.
>always one who falls for it
need a historical figure who's well known
but not too well knownโฆ.
"How pleasant ot know Mr.Lear!"
Who has written such volumes of stuff!
Some think him ill-tempered and queer,
But a few think him pleasant enoughโฆ.
How pleasant to know Mr. Lear
Though his
i was hoping you would think it was me, alas.
i'd be rather old by now, tho.
how pleasant to know mr lear!
to be close to his very keen ear
his verses are mellow
oh, what a fine fellow!
a man who quaint poe'ms i hold dear.