Anonymous ID: 310526 June 5, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.9487579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7624 >>7653

Notables @~525

anons on fire

>>9486952, >>9487044 New FBI Vault drop (#41) on HRC emails

>>9486974 CNN skips Trump's live remarks on surprisingly good labor market report

>>9486985 @jeffsessions twat: More than 60 SS officers were attacked and injured - that's a riot, not a protest

>>9487007 @ChiefNGB (National Guard chief Joseph Lengyel) thread: We were designed for all of these missions, & I am so proud of our Guard members today

>>9487009, >>9487156, >>9487159 Moar on new Flynn letter: We Must Dedicate Ourselves to “Freedom’s Victory over the Socialist Monster”

>>9487052 Son of AZ state rep Mitzi Epstein (D) accused of felony vote-by-mail fraud

>>9487104, >>9487191 planefaggin

>>9487105, >>9487370, >>9487448 Refresher: Biden vid from 1985: "We already have a nigger mayor, we don't need any more nigger bigshots"

>>9487164, >>9487006, >>9487097, >>9487150 1 MILLION protesters expected in DC tonight, NO NATIONAL GUARD

>>9487169, >>9487398, >>9487456 Joe Biden: 10% to 15% of Americans "Not Very Good People"

>>9487178 Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigns from Reddit board because virtue signalling

>>9487199, >>9487301, >>9487553 Detroit father of five loses home & truck after fire, GoFundMe in progress

>>9487200 Russian ‘Terrorists’ Training German Neo-Nazi Youth in Combat – Reports

>>9487229 Pelosi Suffers Worse Mental Lapse Yet, Malfunctions For 10 Seconds Straight!

>>9487250 Bill Murray's son Caleb, 27, arrested for allegedly spitting on and biting police officer and threatening arson during a BLM protest

>>9487256 @MayorBowser twat: The section of 16th street in front of the White House is now officially “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

>>9487275 Professor Hendrick Streek, U of Bonn: There is no significant risk of catching coronavirus when you go shopping

>>9486996, >>9487360 Nascent digg: New game looks spoopy: Shadow Empire

>>9487365, >>9487442 Ben Fulford vids: Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blow Up In Their Faces

>>9487428 15 People Died In The Protests And Riots Following George Floyd’s Death. Here’s Who They Are

>>9487431 U.S. will allow Chinese passenger carriers two flights per week

>>9487453 New Rasmussen poll: 40% of blacks approve of Trump

>>9487465 Scottish Govt Leader: ‘Hard to Not Conclude’ Donald Trump Is Racist

>>9487466 WH reporters about news conference: but muh social distancing

>>9487478 Follow-up from lb: is Obama twat comms to launch the next stage of the insurrection?

>>9487493 Greta Thunberg Calls on E.U. Leaders to Condemn ‘Police Brutality’ in U.S.

>>9487552 Canadian Green Leader: Trump’s U.S. ‘No Longer Safe’, Canada Must Accept Minorities as Refugees

Anonymous ID: 310526 June 5, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.9487806   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>9486952, >>9487044 New FBI Vault drop (#41) on HRC emails

>>9486974 CNN skips Trump's live remarks on surprisingly good labor market report

>>9486985 @jeffsessions twat: More than 60 SS officers were attacked and injured - that's a riot, not a protest

>>9487007 @ChiefNGB (National Guard chief Joseph Lengyel) thread: We were designed for all of these missions, & I am so proud of our Guard members today

>>9487009, >>9487156, >>9487159 Moar on new Flynn letter: We Must Dedicate Ourselves to “Freedom’s Victory over the Socialist Monster”

>>9487052 Son of AZ state rep Mitzi Epstein (D) accused of felony vote-by-mail fraud

>>9487104, >>9487191, >>9487624, >>9487309 planefaggin

>>9487105, >>9487370, >>9487448 Refresher: Biden vid from 1985: "We already have a nigger mayor, we don't need any more nigger bigshots"

>>9487164, >>9487006, >>9487097, >>9487150, >>9487541 1 MILLION protesters expected in DC tonight, NO NATIONAL GUARD

>>9487169, >>9487398, >>9487456 Joe Biden: 10% to 15% of Americans "Not Very Good People"

>>9487178 Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigns from Reddit board because virtue signalling

>>9487199, >>9487301, >>9487553, >>9487714 Detroit father of five loses home & truck after fire, GoFundMe in progress

>>9487200 Russian ‘Terrorists’ Training German Neo-Nazi Youth in Combat – Reports

>>9487229, >>9487653 Pelosi Suffers Worse Mental Lapse Yet, Malfunctions For 10 Seconds Straight!

>>9487250 Bill Murray's son Caleb, 27, arrested for allegedly spitting on and biting police officer and threatening arson during a BLM protest

>>9487256, >>9487610, >>9487628 The section of 16th street in front of the White House now says "Black Lives Matter" in huge letters

>>9487275 Professor Hendrick Streek, U of Bonn: There is no significant risk of catching coronavirus when you go shopping

>>9486996, >>9487360 Nascent digg: New game looks spoopy: Shadow Empire

>>9487365, >>9487442 Ben Fulford vids: Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blow Up In Their Faces

>>9487428 15 People Died In The Protests And Riots Following George Floyd’s Death. Here’s Who They Are

>>9487431 U.S. will allow Chinese passenger carriers two flights per week

>>9487453 New Rasmussen poll: 40% of blacks approve of Trump

>>9487465 Scottish Govt Leader: ‘Hard to Not Conclude’ Donald Trump Is Racist

>>9487466 WH reporters about news conference: but muh social distancing

>>9487478 Follow-up from lb: is Obama twat comms to launch the next stage of the insurrection?

>>9487493 Greta Thunberg Calls on E.U. Leaders to Condemn ‘Police Brutality’ in U.S.

>>9487552 Canadian Green Leader: Trump’s U.S. ‘No Longer Safe’, Canada Must Accept Minorities as Refugees

>>9487574 Germany: UK Must Surrender Sovereignty for an EU Trade Deal

>>9487591 "Peaceful" "protesters" in Riverside, CA

>>9487593 Gunmen Kill Warden of Mexican Prison Holding Supreme Los Zetas Cartel Boss

>>9487611 POTUS: "I may have to buy one of those things (An RV, an RV)"

>>9487638 Here Are The Companies That Support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Want You Dead

>>9487662 Israel disputes Jesus’ Palestinian origins

>>9487723 POTUS signed H.R. 7010, the "Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020," into law

>>9487737 Starting soon: LIVE: President Trump Roundtable with Commercial Fisherman in Maine

>>9487747 Former MI6 Boss Says COVID-19 Manmade, Escaped From Chinese Lab