Anonymous ID: 5871f9 June 5, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.9487200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7216 >>7232 >>7579 >>7806

Russian ‘Terrorists’ Training German Neo-Nazi Youth in Combat – Reports



Young right-wing extremists from Germany are receiving combat training from Russian white supremacists whom the United States has blacklisted as terrorists, Germany’s Focus news magazine reported Friday.


The U.S. State Department branded the Russian Imperial Movement as a foreign terrorist organization in April, saying it runs two paramilitary training camps in St. Petersburg that have pulled in neo-Nazis from across the Western world. Russia responded by saying the designation does not aid in the fight against terrorism.

Anonymous ID: 5871f9 June 5, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.9487353   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Basket of deplorables’ 2.0? Biden claims up to 50 million Americans are ‘not very good’ people


Having called for Donald Trump to unify the country amidst George Floyd protests, Joe Biden referred to “10 to 15 percent” of Americans as “not very good people,” a quote some have predicted will damage his campaign.


Biden made the comment during a virtual discussion that included ‘Avengers’ actor Don Cheadle.


“Do we want our kids — do we really think that this is as good as we can be as a nation? I don’t think the vast majority of people think that. There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there that are just not very good people. But that’s not who we are,” the former vice president said. “The vast majority of people are decent. We have to appeal to that and we have to unite people.”


With the US containing a population of over 300 million people, Biden’s comment could refer to up to 50 million citizens.


In the same chat, Biden called on Trump to do a better job unifying the country amidst violent protests across the nation.


“Look, if elected, my view is that you will have to address these issues straight on,” he said. “So when a president stands up and divides people all the time, you’re going to get the worst of us to come, the worst in us to come out.”


Biden’s “10 to 15 percent” comment already has people questioning the wisdom of alienating such a large portion of the country ahead of a presidential election.


Joe Biden says that about "10 to 15 Percent" of Americans are "not very good people."

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 5, 2020


Donald Trump Jr. tweeted on Friday Biden is not including “the looters burning down communities” when he speaks of “not very good people.”


Sleepy @Joebiden called 30-50 million Americans “not very good people.”Who is he including in that?Christians who want to go to church?Small biz owners trying to save their companies?Because something tells me, he's not talking about the looters burning down communities!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 5, 2020

Anonymous ID: 5871f9 June 5, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9487380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7458

Hong Kong's last British leader: China's agenda 'Orwellian'

The last British governor of Hong Kong is criticizing the Chinese government over proposed national security legislation, saying it would violate the agreement on handing the territory over to Beijing


BEIJING – The last British governor of Hong Kong criticized the Chinese government on Friday over proposed national security legislation, calling it part of an “Orwellian" drive to eliminate opposition in violation of the agreement on handing the territory over to Beijing.


Chris Patten defended London’s announcement that it would grant residency and a path to citizenship for nearly 3 million Hong Kong residents if Beijing goes through with passage of the legislation.


The law is seen as potentially imposing severe restrictions on freedom of speech and opposition political activity in the former British colony that was handed over to Chinese rule in 1997. China has denounced the offer of citizenship as a violation of its sovereignty.

Anonymous ID: 5871f9 June 5, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9487518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not unless they can get the Drugs back


December 19


Britain agrees to return Hong Kong to China


In the Hall of the People in Beijing, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang sign an agreement committing Britain to return Hong Kong to China in 1997 in return for terms guaranteeing a 50-year extension of its capitalist system. Hong Kong–a small peninsula and group of islands jutting out from China’s Kwangtung province–was leased by China to Great Britain in 1898 for 99 years.


In 1839, in the First Opium War, Britain invaded China to crush opposition to its interference in the country’s economic, social, and political affairs. One of Britain’s first acts of war was to occupy Hong Kong, a sparsely inhabited island off the coast of southeast China. In 1841, China ceded the island to the British with the signing of the Convention of Chuenpi, and in 1842 the Treaty of Nanking was signed, formally ending the First Opium War. At the end of the Second Opium War (1856-1860), China was forced to cede the Kowloon Peninsula, adjacent to Hong Kong Island, along with other area islands.

Anonymous ID: 5871f9 June 5, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9487595   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lancet, NEJM Retract Surgisphere Studies on COVID-19 Patients

All authors other than company founder and CEO Sapan Desai were “unable to complete an independent audit of the data,” The Lancet states.


Two controversial studies of COVID-19 patients have been retracted after the authors failed to demonstrate that the data were reliable. The first study to be retracted, published last month (May 22) in The Lancet, had found harmful effects associated with the antimalarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, but quickly drew fire after scientists raised questions about the massive database supposedly underpinning it, and about that database’s owner, Surgisphere Corporation.


Today, three authors—all the coauthors on the study except Surgisphere founder and CEO Sapan Desai—contacted The Lancet to retract their report. “They were unable to complete an independent audit of the data underpinning their analysis,” the retraction notice in The Lancet reads. “As a result, they have concluded that they ‘can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.’”


The three coauthors are Mandeep Mehra, the medical director of Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart and Vascular Center, Frank Ruschitzka of University Hospital Zurich, and Amit Patel of the University of Utah.

Anonymous ID: 5871f9 June 5, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9487747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7806

Former MI6 Boss Says COVID-19 Manmade, Escaped From Chinese Lab


The former head of Britain’s MI6 spy agency believes COVID-19 is a manmade virus that accidentally escaped from a Chinese laboratory, based on forthcoming research, according to The Telegraph.


Entitled "A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike", the new study, seen by The Telegraph, suggests the virus is "remarkably well-adapted virus for human co-existence" and is likely to be the result of a Wuhan lab experiment to produce "chimeric viruses of high potency".


The paper concludes: "Henceforth, those who would maintain that the Covid-19 pandemic arose from zoonotic transfer need to explain precisely why this more parsimonious account is wrong before asserting that their evidence is persuasive, most especially when, as we also show, there are puzzling errors in their use of evidence." -The Telegraph


Perhaps most notable is that the former MI6 boss in question is Sir Richard Dearlove - who helped Obamagate operative Stefan Halper set up a smear campaign against Michael Flynn, and who made a name for himself nearly two decades ago peddling a bogus report that Saddam Hussein had WMDs - which Tony Blair used to justify the UK’s involvement the Iraq war. Clearly Dearlove is trying to ruin our street cred.

Dearlove and Flynn shake hands


Indeed, while it was inevitable that the Western establishment would eventually gravitate towards the Wuhan lab theory Zero Hedge presented in late January, Dearlove’s endorsement couldn’t come from a more suspicious operative.


So, as the establishment continues to adopt the very obvious conclusion supported by a mountain of evidence that the bat-like coronavirus probably escaped from a Chinese laboratory known for modifying bat coronaviruses to infect humans, we suspect Dearlove and the 'perpetual war’ crowd are most interested in using the accusation as a political cudgel to wield against China.