Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.9487136   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#EXPOSEANTIFA PART II: NYC Fight Club Training "Break one of the floating ribs…"

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.9487164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7180 >>7188 >>7252 >>7335 >>7476 >>7579 >>7806

ONE MILLION Unhinged Leftists Expected to Attend Protests in DC This Weekend — And Crackpot Mayor Just Evicted ALL National Guard Units


There are reports that One Million leftists will converge on Washington DC this weekend to resume their protests over the death of George Floyd.


This comes after Washington DC Mayor Bowser kicked out ALL of the National Guard troops that were sent there to restore peace after leftists rioting and vandalized the city last weekend.


Washington DC Mayor Bowser announced on Thursday she was examining every legal question about the Presidents’ authority to send troops, even National Guard from other states, to the District of Columbia.


Mayor Bowser said, “I have the authority and have not requested guard from any state.”


The DC Mayor then later evicted ALL NATIONAL GUARD from any Washington DC hotel.


On Sunday night leftists defaced the WWII Memorial and Korean War Memorial and torched a 200-year-old church.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.9487229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7579 >>7653 >>7806

Pelosi Suffers Worse Mental Lapse Yet, Malfunctions For 10 Seconds Straight!


This may be one of Speaker Pelosi’s worst mental lapses yet!


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stuttered and malfunctioned for 10 seconds straight during a presser on Thursday.


Pelosi read from a letter she sent to President Trump complaining about military on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial after violent left-wing terrorists started fires, defaced memorials and destroyed property.


“I preface it by saying, as you probably saw, there are military on the steps of Lin–of Lincoln Memorial. The — uh — the, uh–what is it? I’ll read it to you,” said Pelosi.


She was visibly shaken by her inability to recall words.


Pelosi, 80, was so confused she had to revert to a letter she wrote Trump after she was caught speechless and unable to finish her sentence.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.9487332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK: Nigerian televangelist sanctioned by Ofcom for Coronavirus-5G claims


Britain’s broadcasting regulator has taken action against Loveworld, a Christian TV channel, for airing a news report and a sermon that suggested there was a “global cover-up” surrounding COVID-19 and the rollout of the 5G network, PM News reports.


The program Loveworld News made a number of claims that Ofcom took issue with. In addition to making the baseless claim that 5G caused the Coronavirus pandemic, Loveworld also alleged, without providing any proof, that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine cured COVID-19. Ofcom, unsurprisingly, took issue with both of these statements. Hydroxychloroquine, for those that aren’t aware, has been used by doctors around the world as an experimental treatment despite the risk of side effects. The drug is currently being trialled in the UK.


Later in the day, Loveworld founder Pastor Chris Oyakhilome gave a sermon in which he strangely suggested that coronavirus was part of a Satanic conspiracy to “create a new breed of cyborgs.”


In an official statement, Ofcom described the broadcasts as “potentially harmful” and claimed the channel “did not adequately protect viewers from the potentially harmful content.”


Loveworld is the fourth broadcaster the regulator has taken action against for promoting the Coronavirus-5G narrative. Ofcom has been criticised for sanctioning the pro-Brexit free speech magazine Spiked. In his article, Andrew Tettenborn argues that when the quango has legal power, banning broadcasters from reporting on anything not yet backed up by science could set a dangerous precedent that “should worry everyone.” Spiked also defended Loveworld for mentioning hydroxychloroquine, as they told viewers to only use it if given a prescription.


The Nigerian televangelist’s channel isn’t the first foreign or religious broadcaster to be sanctioned by Ofcom. Nearly half of all breaches of standards are committed by such stations. Some of these actions have been justified, like when the radio station Iman FM was shut down after airing 25 hours of al-Qaeda speeches in Sheffield, Yorkshire. Others cases have been more questionable, like when Kanshi Radio, a station for Britain’s Punjabi-speaking Indian population, was fined for broadcasting a song that used the word “tits” in a way that was deemed to be derogatory towards Muslim women.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.9487371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7767

DuckDuckGo CEO: Feds & States Are Targeting Google’s Search Monopoly in Antitrust Probes


According to a recent report, search engine DuckDuckGo’s CEO says that federal and state authorities are asking detailed questions targeting Google’s overwhelming dominance of the search market.


Bloomberg reports that Google rival DuckDuckGo says that federal and state authorities are asking detailed questions about the best way to limit Google’s power in the online search market as part of antitrust investigations into the firm.


The CEO of DuckDuckGo, Gabriel Weinberg, stated that the company has spoken with state regulators and the DOJ within the past few weeks. Justice Department officials and state attorneys general reportedly asked DuckDuckGo about requiring Google to give consumers alternatives to its search engine on Android devices and in the Google Chrome web browser.


Weinberg told Bloomberg: “We’ve been talking to all of them about search and all of them have asked us detailed search questions.” Winberg’s comments appear to indicate that the search engine, one of Google’s core businesses, is under great scrutiny in antitrust probes.


The DOJ and Texas are reportedly already examining Google’s dominance in the digital advertising market. The Justice Department alongside a coalition of states led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton have been investigating Google for a year and a lawsuit has already been drafted by the DOJ which could be filed within the next few months.


The investigation into Google covers all of the company’s products but states including Utah and Iowa are focusing specifically on search according to individuals with knowledge of the matter. Texas is focusing on the digital ad market and any related technology.


Google’s search business handles most of the online searches in the U.S. with Microsoft’s Bing and DuckDuckGo trailing far behind. The business generated almost $100 billion in revenue last year.


A Google spokesperson previously commented on the antitrust investigations stating: “We continue to engage with the ongoing investigations led by the Department of Justice and Attorney General Paxton, and we don’t have any updates or comments on speculation.”


Weinberg added that the questions he has answered recently about Google indicate that a possible future settlement may be included in a lawsuit. “That’s one direction we think has a decent probability,” he added. The Justice Department refused to comment while Bloomberg received no comments from the Attorneys general lin Utah and Iowa.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.9487395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7446

‘You Lost Me’: Retired Marine Criticizes Mattis Over Letter About Lafayette Park Protesters


Retired Marine CPT John M. Dowd lashed out at former Defense Secretary James Mattis in a letter shared Thursday by President Donald Trump.


Dowd, a former Marine Corps Judge Advocate and former attorney to President Trump, was responding to Mattis’ comments attacking the president as divisive and criticizing his plan to potentially use the military to quell nationwide unrest over the death of George Floyd.


“We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort,” Mattis told The Atlantic, arguing that Trump was the most divisive president in his lifetime. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.”


“I thought this letter from respected retired Marine and Super Star lawyer, John Dowd, would be of interest to the American People. Read it!” Trump tweeted in response.


“I slept on your statement and woke up appalled and upset,” Dowd’s letter began. “You lost me. Never dreamed you would let a bunch of hack politicians use your good name and reputation — earned with the blood and guts of young Marines.”

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.9487428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7579 >>7806

15 People Died In The Protests And Riots Following George Floyd’s Death. Here’s Who They Are


The killing of George Floyd has reverberated across the world, with protests reaching across the Atlantic.


Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt on his neck for nine minutes. A video of the incident sparked national outrage. Chauvin has since been fired and charged with second-degree murder, an elevation from the original third-degree murder charge.


While many protests following his death remained peaceful, in cities like Minneapolis, Washington, D.C. and New York City, violence erupted and led to looting, vandalism and buildings set ablaze.


Violence consumed countless mom-and-pop businesses, many owned by minorities and immigrants, leaving behind a desert of small business, with little recourse but to plead for the public to donate to online fundraising campaigns. Insurance is not a panacea for destruction caused by looting in most of these cases.


Some have downplayed the looting and violence. Politicians, along with sympathetic members of the national media, lined up to apologize or justify the destruction. Seattle Councilmember Tammy Morales said “what I don’t want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil, not to be reactionary, to be told that looting doesn’t solve anything” at a council session Monday.


Sally Kohn, a liberal political commentator, tweeted: “Property is insured and can be replaced. Lives cannot. Check your priorities, America.”

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9487465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7509 >>7579 >>7806

Scottish Govt Leader: ‘Hard to Not Conclude’ Donald Trump Is Racist


Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said it is “hard to not conclude” that President Trump is a racist after she praised Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests.


Sturgeon, who leads the left-separatist Scottish National Party (SNP), made the comments on local radio on Thursday, after backing a call for Scots to donate to the bail funds of looters and rioters jailed in the U.S. during the disorder which has accompanied protests against “police racism”.


Answering a question from Radio Clyde and Radio Forth on whether President Donald Trump is a racist, Ms Sturgeon said: “I think sometimes it’s hard to not conclude that.”


“What I always say when I’m asked questions like that is I can’t see inside his head,” she added.


“I’ve been asked that before about comments Boris Johnson has made about Muslims and do I think he’s a racist.”


Speaking again about the U.S. President, she lectured: “If you don’t want to be accused of racism, then don’t use racist language. Don’t sound as if you are equating people who protest against racism with people who take to the streets in order to try to perpetrate racist values and attitudes.”


On Wednesday, Sturgeon expressed “solidarity” with BLM and protests in the U.S., which have erupted into violent and destructive riots across the country.


During First Minister’s Questions in the Scottish Parliament — a devolved assembly roughly equivalent to a state legislature in the United States — the left-liberal politician claimed that Scots were “all looking on with concern and horror at the scenes unfolding in the United States”.


“I believe the President of the United States has a duty to address the underlying causes of the protests — the legitimate protests we are seeing — rather than continuously attacking those protesting,” she said.


Sturgeon also backed Scottish Green Party co-leader Patrick Harvie’s call for Scotland’s people to “donat[e] to the community bail funds to support those who have experienced the authoritarian response that we are witnessing on our screens”.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.9487493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7524 >>7527 >>7545 >>7579 >>7652 >>7806

Greta Thunberg Calls on E.U. Leaders to Condemn ‘Police Brutality’ in U.S.


Teenage climate worrier Greta Thunberg has called on European Union leaders to condemn “police brutality escalating” in the U.S.


The Swedish “how dare you?” activist pointed to footage of riot police in Buffalo, New York, shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during Black Lives Matter protests, which she reposted on Twitter.


Thunberg tweeted:


“Still waiting for the EU and individual democratic nations to officially condemn the police brutality and attacks on the free press escalating the USA. For how long are we going to stand by, watch and say nothing?”


Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said late Thursday the man was in serious but stable condition at the Erie County Medical Center. The two officers have since been suspended, as Breitbart News reported.


Quite what influence the decaying E.U. superstate might have over U.S. policing is not immediately apparent.


But perhaps Thunberg has been inspired by the example of the Chinese Communist Party which also now refuses to allow major institutions to adopt a neutral position on contentious political issues.


For example, the giant Hong Kong banking corporation HSBC was recently bullied by China into publicly expressing support for China’s crackdown on Hong Kong’s freedoms.


Thunberg has her finger on the pulse. In the coming new world order, virtue signalling will be made compulsory – and anyone who dissents will automatically reveal themselves as the enemy.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.9487552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7579 >>7580 >>7806

Canadian Green Leader: Trump’s U.S. ‘No Longer Safe’, Canada Must Accept Minorities as Refugees


Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party in the Canadian parliament, has called on Justin Trudeau to accept any ethnic minority person from the United States who comes to Canada claiming asylum because President Trump has made the country unsafe.


“It’s clear that if you’re Muslim, if you’re black, if you’re Latina, if you’re Indigenous, the United States is not a safe country,” alleged May, the Member of Parliament for Saanich—Gulf Islands in British Columbia.


“Our safe country agreement with the United States… simply can’t stand anymore,” she insisted.


“We need to change that status so that people seeking refugee protections in Canada can get here. So I once again call on the prime minister and the minister of immigration and the minister of foreign affairs to explain that under the circumstances in this pandemic, as long as people who come across our border meet our Covid-19 public safety rules, we must not turn them away — because Donald Trump has made the United States no longer safe,” she demanded.


The comments by May, who leads the Green parliamentary faction in the Canadian federal parliament, come as Jo-Ann Roberts, interim leader of the wider party, appeared to call on white women to emulate or at least endorse “protesters” who have turned to rioting and looting.


“Fellow white women, we need to step up. Stop calling the BLM protests ‘looting’ and ‘rioting,” she tweeted on June 2nd.


“Repeat after me: There is no comfortable way to fight oppression,” she continued.


“What’s happening across the U.S. and Canada is valid. right. and necessary [sic]. Get on board.”


Unlike President Trump, who was censored by Twitter for “glorifying violence” when he suggested that rioters were “thugs” and warned that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”, Roberts’ endorsement of lawless violence has not been interfered with.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.9487574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7630 >>7686 >>7806

Germany: UK Must Surrender Sovereignty for an EU Trade Deal


A German official has said that the UK must surrender sovereignty if the country wants to strike a trade deal with the European Union.


Germany will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, a council of EU member-states’ ministers, in July and the country’s ambassador to the bloc is already lining up Germany as a key player in crunch negotiations between Brussels and London.


Michael Clauss said at an event hosted by the European Policy Centre think tank that there will be a trade deal — if the UK takes what he calls a “more realistic approach”.


“To put in short, I think you cannot have full sovereignty and, at the same time, full access to the internal market,” Mr Clauss said, according to The Guardian.


The EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier used similar language over the weekend when he said the UK must become more “realistic” if it wants access to the Single Market, complaining that the UK was “cherry-picking”.


Barnier’s British counterpart David Frost has told the EU that it needs to treat the UK as an equal trading partner and offer a deal at least equivalent to others it had offered countries like Canada — but without the demands on alignment.


The UK will only regain full national sovereignty from the globalist superstate once it can take back control of its laws, borders, trading rules, and regulations.


However, the EU has demanded the UK remain aligned by the Brussels playbook to maintain a “level playing field” — with the likes of France fearing the UK could become competitive on the global market to the detriment of the bloc — including abiding by EU rules on environmental standards and state aid.


The EU also wants the European Court of Justice to be the arbiter of any future trade deal with the UK and demands continued access to Britain’s territorial fishing waters.


Organization (WTO) terms. Clauss said: “We work under the assumption the United Kingdom is not going to ask for an extension. That means a deal needs to be struck in the next six months.”

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9487593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7806

Gunmen Kill Warden of Mexican Prison Holding Supreme Los Zetas Cartel Boss


Unidentified gunmen killed the warden of a maximum-security prison in western Mexico, the current location of the supreme Los Zetas Cartel boss as he fights extradition to the United States.


This week, Marco Alberto Corona Baltazar, the acting warden of Puente Grande prison, was driving home from work when gunmen shot him several times. Authorities have not made any arrests.


The Puente Grande prison is one of Mexico’s top detention facilities and the current location for Miguel Angel (Z-40) Trevino Morales. His attorneys are working various legal maneuvers to stop their client’s extradition to the U.S. where he faces drug trafficking and money laundering charges. They recently sought a prison transfer or outright release so Z-40 could avoid Coronavirus exposure.


Corona Baltazar, the technical director at the prison become the acting warden after Salvador Almonte Solís tested positive for COVID-19 and took leave. Soon after assuming command, Baltazar faced a large scale prison riot on May 22, where three inmates died from gunshot wounds and five others were beaten to death. Authorities seized handguns and an explosive device.

Anonymous ID: e2c796 June 5, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9487662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7806

Israel disputes Jesus’ Palestinian origins


The official Twitter account for Israel has questioned Jesus’ Palestinian roots, claiming he was Jewish and not linked to a nationality


The official Twitter account for Israel has questioned Jesus’ Palestinian roots, claiming he was Jewish and not linked to a nationality.


The comment came in response to a post by satirical account, which is run by award-winning comedy writer David Javerbaum, who questioned a common traditional Euro-centric depictions of Jesus with fair skin accompanied with a caption stating: “Privilege doesn’t get much whiter than making a Roman-era Palestinian look like this.” The reference comes amid growing debate surrounding “white privilege” in the aftermath of the latest racist killing of an African-American by police in the US, leading to unprecedented protests and riots across the country.


However, Israel – which in Hebrew means “one who struggles with God”, replied asserting Jesus’ Jewish heritage stating “God: Jesus was a Palestinian. Jesus: Hey Dad, remember when you gave that speech about Jewish values at my Bar Mitzvah?”