Anonymous ID: eb2b7b June 5, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.9487365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7579 >>7806

Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blow Up In Their Faces


Ben Fulford 6-1-20 Part 1

The long-term plan concocted by the Satanic Zionists to kill billions is blowing up in their faces following the failure of their riots and fake pandemic.  Now, the world’s military and intelligence forces are actively hunting them down, according to multiple sources, including official government statements.

“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” says U.S. Attorney General William Barr.


Forensic investigations show the riots in Hong Kong, as well as the riots in the U.S., are financed by the same Satanists who are desperately trying to start a World War III between the U.S. and China. 

Taiwan based gangsters have subcontracted the work from the Zionists and financed these riots via a synagogue of Satan in Vancouver, Canada, and heroin dealing gangsters in Hong Kong, according to Asian secret society sources.


Sensing defeat, high-level insiders in the Cabal (Ka (spirit) ballah (of the god Ba’al)=Set=Satan), are now bailing out as can be seen from the following missive sent to us by a dissident member of the Rockefeller family:

'''“A shocking meeting was organized by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller at the New York home of the president of the Rockefeller University in 2009.   Other guests of this meeting of billionaires were:  Warren Buffet, George Soros, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey.   None of them expressed opposition to the stated purposes of this meeting, which were:  

to perform massive abortions in the third world, and massive eugenics methods (electronic warfare, chemical warfare, and biological warfare) in the first world, in order to reduce the world population from 7 billion to 1 billion, in an effort whose consequences would far exceed the lifetimes of the participants, and meant to be their “legacy” to the world.'''   Whoever may have to die in the process was (and is) not their concern.”


In any case, just as arsonists sometimes accidentally set themselves on fire, this time the riots being instigated are backfiring on the cabal.  Pentagon sources note that:

“Rioters in LA target Jewish neighborhoods, loot Jewish stores and spray synagogues with ‘fuck Israel’ and ‘free Palestine’ as AIPAC is forced to cancel its March 2021 conference 9 months early.”


“The EU is poised to impose anti-Israel sanctions as [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel led a boycott of the G7 summit and Zionist traitors Hungary and Austria may have been jawboned to put Europe first to Make Europe Great Again (MEGA).Remember the puppet communist governments of Eastern Europe fell shortly after people realized the USSR was not going to back them up. 


For this reason, without U.S. backing, Israel will have no choice but to stop its genocidal, superstitious, messianic behavior.


Anonymous ID: eb2b7b June 5, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.9487442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7486 >>7579 >>7806

Ben Fulford 6-1-20 Part 2:

Ok now let’s get back to the riots in the U.S.  What is most interesting about them is how the crisis actors like George Floyd are being uncovered in real-time.  Since this has been extensively covered by other sites, we will just post photos, one from Jim Stone Freelance and the other from We Are Change.

Also here we have a video of a Zionist agent caught in the act of financing the riots


What the military and intelligence agencies need to remember in confronting these criminals is that they work according to long-range plans, some literally dating back centuries.  For that reason, an unpredictable, here-now, sustained offensive is essential to defeating them once and for all. 

The answer, as always, is to follow the money.  This means raiding the foundations that own the Fortune 500 corporations and arresting the owners of these foundations.  This, of course, includes the Soros people, the Rothschilds, and the other usual suspects.


Here in Japan, we called the Japanese cabinet office and the Tokyo government to ask if they had actually confirmed the COVID 19 virus even exists. 

What the forensic investigations that followed revealed was that all “positive COVID 19” test results came from scam testing facilities financed by the Hedge Fund KKR. 

Message to KKR: you have 48 hours to get your people out of Japan before they are hunted down and killed.


The Japanese government has concluded that COVID-19 does not exist.  If you still find this hard to believe look at the chart below showing a steep drop off of pneumonia deaths in 2020.  Statistics show the drop in pneumonia deaths is roughly equal to the so-called COVID-19 death rate. 

That is why Japan canceled its scamdemic response as of June 1st.  The rest of the world should follow.

However, the Japanese have concluded that electromagnetic attacks using 5G low-level microwave beams did cause a lot of damage, especially in Wuhan, China.  Imagine something much weaker than the defrost setting in your microwave but taking place 24 hours a day and you get the picture.  That is why Japan’s government is asking all independent administrative corporations and government-designated corporations to consider security risks when purchasing telecommunication equipment.  Again, other countries please take note.


Overall, the plot being uncovered dates back to at least 1975 and involves using a pandemic to reduce the population.  It was also to be an excuse to force the vaccination of the survivors with microchips that were to be connected to a digital wallet and 5G mind control. 

This was the system of total slavery the Cabal was trying to impose.  It sounds crazy but fact-checking will confirm this to be true.  You can start your confirmation with these links and then look at Jared Kushner and his 666 Fifth Avenue “Lucent technologies” human micro-chipping project.

Anonymous ID: eb2b7b June 5, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9487644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7660



Remember those HUSSEIN Campaign Ads showing Young White people saying "My middle name is HUSSEIN"?


Can't stand these fucking British actors doing the bidding of their Jewish bosses to brainwash the American millenials.

Anonymous ID: eb2b7b June 5, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.9487760   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I remember watching a British TV show have and there's a scene in which the lead actress walks into a building in London, and the entire bldg facade has a gigantic "MIRAMAX" sign which means the whole bldg is Miramax = Harvey Weinstein