You're fucking retarded
Ever heard of a power vacuum?
If you get the top players first, it leaves a power vacuum, so things MUST be done from bottom to top, so therefore the ANTIFA PAWNS are first, then it will build upwards from there.
Fucking faggot.
Fuck off DDOS faggots
You know you are losing
Kill yourselves already, and save taxpayers the money.
testing to see if pics load, since I am on clearnet
pics not loading
Hey Q, good afternoon.
Board is under attack, shit is slow and pics not loading.
I want to filter finkleshill but cant filter finkleshill right now cause of other anons tor posting.
KYS Deep State
I might get into planefagging again, haven't in awhile. Will be interesting to see the increased MIL activity over CONUS.
I am on clearnet, it works again and pics are showing again.
I am not Q, but its all of them.
There was a vid of a chinese speaking Photangua (spelling) and throwing a firebomb at MP in DC, forgot what day it was… was a definite CCP agitator, there are probably many others
There is definitely Anarchists there, Soros paid minions, and MB.