If A.G. Barr doesn't provide a "Friday Document Dump" that includes the information he said he has on the financial chain and the comms from the scum to the scum so we can know which demonrat politicians were orchestrating the evil with the pantifaggots and bowel-leakage-matters diaper-wearers then this weekend will be like last weekend and businesses will be destroyed - in demonrat oppressed cities and states - more people will be killed by the pantifaggots and bowel-leakage-matters diaper-wearers, more livelihoods will be destroyed by pantifaggots and bowel-leakage-matters diaper-wearers, more historic buildings will be defaced pantifaggots and bowel-leakage-matters diaper-wearers…and then on Monday A.G. Barr can threaten to release the documents to the PEOPLE he works for…again.