Anonymous ID: ef8aff June 5, 2020, 11 a.m. No.9487932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7973 >>8464

Anons I’m fucking scared. I live in New Haven, CT blue city and Blue State and I’m worried that what is happening in Minneapolis will happen here, in regards to the attempted dismantling of police. I’m strongly considering fleeing to Florida where my brother is.


I had a dream a couple months ago that scared the shit out of me but then didn’t worry about until now learning about the Minneapolis council trying to rid police. I was riding a bike at night through New Haven(weird because I don’t own a bike) and I was flagged down by a group of black dudes in baby blue shirts. They were bothering me and asking me questions and I remember being irritated at them like they were some sort of illegitimate authority. Keep in mind a lot of the dream is fuzzy hard to remember because it’s damn dream.. well they caught up to me somehow or something and I remember getting beaten and stabbed or something and then I remember like falling out/passing out and then waking to being bandaged and in a hospital, barely mobile and in bad shape with some nurse who didn’t say anything taking care of me. Then i just remember being at home in my apartment all fucked up in bad shape in my bandages and shit and someone busting in my door catching me by surprise and shooting me a few times and bailing. I was on the floor bloody and dying and I started crying and started saying im sorry god, im so so sorry, i tried to do my best, i tried i’m so sorry. I felt like i was being totally embraced by love while at the same time feeling so much fear and sadness then as I felt like I was fading out, I woke up and started crying it really shook me up, had me really fucked up.


I swear that was a real dream, swear it in everything, I swear before all of you and god that it was real. I have no firearms because CT is fucking gay and I haven’t had dough and time to go take class and get permit. If we lose the City of New Haven to these people I will be in grave danger. I have been openly and vocally in support of Potus and Q, trying to redpill and get through to everyone. If this all happens and the narrative is spun out of control and vilifies Anons and Potus supporters I won’t be able to rely on and trust ANYONE in my family as they’re mostly democrats that are way in the dark on everything and unwilling to see the truth. I have tried to wake them but they are blind.


I’m really and truly scared I have no money to take care of myself and a vehicle that is falling apart if I up and leave and it will mean certain homelessness basically. The only thing I could try doing is getting out of my lease and try getting my security deposit in a hurry(if even possible) and try and purchase an old and cheap RV and bailing to Florida where my brother is.


Idk anons. I’m worried. I fully trust the plan this isn’t normal concernfagging this is real life shit I am fucking afraid of. I fully trust the plan but we all knew no matter what you perceive Q has said that there would be pains along the way. He said they would try and limit casualties and keep people safe but we all knew there would be casualties. This is what it takes to banish these evil fuckers though.


I’m freaked. Perhaps, I was being shown what happens in the alternate timeline. Perhaps though this was a warning to me from god and my higher self. If I left it would mean forfeiting my job and apartment of three years.

